Another book

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Hey loves!

There will not be a sequel, I don't think I can elaborate the story any more without dragging it out and you guys loosing interest because of a bland story line or repetitive chapters, however...

I am writing another book!

This is called "The Quarterback Belongs In My Heart"

This is called "The Quarterback Belongs In My Heart"

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"You're going to wanna watch where you're going there princess" He smirked as he folded his arms smugly across his chest.

"Or what Tyler?" I snapped back picking up my phone that had landed on the floor when we collided.

This was most definitely not how I imagined what would happen the second I stepped foot into the main school building on my first day of senior year and I wanted to get this encounter over and done with as soon as possible.

"You might just have to make it up to me" He leant back against the row of lockers behind him as he raked a hand through his curly brown hair. "Give me a kiss" He smirked leaning closer and tapped his cheek.

"In your dreams asshat" I muttered before turning on my heels and walking away.

The bell rang out through the halls signalling the beginning of homeroom. "Saved by the bell" Grinning I swivelled back around and stuck up my middle finger directly at him before giggling to myself and continuing the trek to homeroom.

Millie McCarthy:
Straight A student, Kind hearted, Has a feisty side, Loveable and Genuine.

Tyler Hatton:
A-class football player, Cold, Always has an attitude and Player.

Millie McCarthy has hidden away in the shadows for the whole of high school so far, that's until on the first day of senior year she walks straight into well renowned bad boy of Central California High School Tyler Hatton.

As soon as they encounter each other, everything changes.


Character aesthetics

Character aesthetics

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