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Three years later

Theo's POV:


Oh shit. Eden's yelling again.

Eden's been really emotional recently.

I turn off the shower and grab a towel before walking out of our apartment bathroom and into the living room.

After we graduated senior year of high school, we both put in applications for the university of California, we're currently both in our third year of studying.

We rent a apartment right on the sea front and it's only a 5 minute walk from campus. It's great.

Leaning up against the counter I put my head in my hands so my full concentration was on Eden. "Yes Edee?"

She looks down and starts fiddling with her hands.

She's nervous.

"There's something you should probably know" She starts to rock back and forth on her heels and she still isn't looking at me.

Getting slightly anxious I walk over to where she's standing and wrap my arms around her. "What's that beautiful? You can tell me anything"

She giggles and warps her arms around my neck. "Don't squeeze us that tight!"

"Sorry baby" I smile into her neck and play with the back of her head.



Pulling away to look at her I feel my throat turn dry. "Did you say 'us' Edee?"

She doesn't say anything and looks down again.

I tilt her head up so our eyes are looking into each other's. "Eden"

"I'm pregnant Theo"

My whole world felt like it stopped when those three words come out of her mouth.

"Your pregnant?" I ask with bewilderment.

"I'm pregnant" She nods confirming my statement.

I pick her up and twirl her around before carefully placing her down. "I'm gonna be a dad!"

"You're happy?" She asks biting her lip from turning into a smile.

"I'm over the moon Eden! Are you happy?" I tighten my grip around her waist but I do it carefully, I don't want to hurt Eden and our baby.

"Of course I am,  I just didn't know how you'd react. We're still young and I don't want to go through with this if you're not ready" She smiles at me softly before messing with the hem of my shirt.

"Of course I'm ready Eden, there's no one else who I'd rather go through this with" I rush off into our bedroom to get my laptop.

"Let's start looking at baby clothes, is it a boy or a girl? Should we buy a crib? What about a pushchair?"

"Calm down Theo. Here" Eden giggles and hands me three positive pregnancy tests.

"I'm framing these" I carefully take them from her and click onto Amazon to buy a photo frame.

Eden laughs and closes my laptop. "Theo take a breath" 

An idea pops into my head and I couldn't think of a better time to do what I'm about to do.

"I'll be back" I grin before kissing her lips and going to find my jacket.

I pull out a engagement ring and carefully trace the princess cut diamond.

A princess ring for my princess.

I walk back into the living room and sit back down on the couch.

"Eden, I was going to take you out for dinner and do this but I think now is the perfect timing" I get down on one knee and look up to see Eden with a shocked expression on her beautiful face.

"Will you marry me, Edee?"

Eden doesn't say anything but she falls into my arms and hugs me tightly.

I pull away and grin at her "Go careful Edee, you'll hurt yourself and the baby. I take that reaction as a yes?"

She nods her head and a tear falls and rolls down her cheek. "Yes Theo"

I put the ring on her finger and in that moment I swear, life couldn't get any better.

Just me, Eden and our devoted and tender hearts.


Authors note

So that's it! Devoted and tender hearts has officially been completed.

Check the next chapter for a thank you note and my new book!

Thank you for all of the support, never forget how amazing you are.

Stay wonderful.

Gracie x

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