Chapter fifteen - Milkshakes

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Eden's POV:

It's now Friday and mum and dad still aren't home.

I scrambled out of bed and went into my bathroom, quickly showering and brushing my teeth. I decided to Dutch plait my hair to keep it from getting knotty in the wind.

I picked out a denim skirt and matched it with a floral yellow top. I paired it with my white converse and some white ankle socks.

It was good enough for school

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It was good enough for school.

I applied some mascara, concealer and filled in my eyebrows. I sprayed my perfume on which was vanilla scented, of course.

I unplugged my phone from where it was charging and grabbed my bag. Making my way downstairs I still had 20 minutes before I needed to leave.

I went shopping last night and stocked up on food for the house, grabbing some of my favourite caramel iced coffees.

I reached to get one out of the fridge taking a large sip as well as getting out my lunch and water bottle before carefully slipping them into my bag.

I decided to leave a little earlier then usual today, I had no reason to be waiting around at home.

I made sure I locked the door at least twice before setting off on the treacherous walk to school, I was too busy in my own world listening to music to notice a voice calling out my name.

I didn't know him, but I definitely recognised him from school.

"Hey, Eden right?" He said catching up to me.

Feeling nervous I nodded and kept my head down.

"I'm Tyler, i hosted that party on the first Friday you were here. You probably don't even recognise me" Tyler said beaming.

"Yeah sorry" I chucked, "I can't seem to recognise you"

"Well, I can definitely recognise you" He said eyeing me up and down.

"You looked beautiful that night and you still do now" He whispered stepping closer.

My face instantly heated up.

"I was thinking if you wanted to grab a milkshake, after school today?"

I had nothing planned and it would be nice to gain a couple more friends so I agreed.

"Great, i'll wait for you after your last lesson, what do you have?"

"Um let me check" I said quickly getting up my timetable on my phone.

"Trigonometry, room 212"

"Great. I'll see you then" He pulled me into a hug before leaving me alone on the sidewalk.

He seemed nice enough. Sure, I should've probably asked the girls what he's like first but I needed to be more independent.

I'm seventeen and I still can't order my own food at a restaurant.

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