Chapter twenty one - Auditions

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Eden's POV:

Trudging into school with bags hanging under my eyes I looked like hell.

"Girl! Are you feeling okay now? You look like death" Amber and Eloise hurried over to me.

"Lovely to see you too!" I laughed pulling them in for a hug forgetting about my rib, I slightly winced and took in a sharp breath.

"We missed you and your British accent" Eloise grinned.

"I was gone for a day, I feel truly honoured that I impact your lives so much" I teased walking through the front doors of the school building.

"We care for you E" Amber smiled.

"I care about you both too" I smiled back at Eloise and Amber.

They were literally gems, Alexander and Hunter were lucky.

"So much so that what we're about to tell you won't ruin our friendship?" Amber stopped dead in her tracks.

Being a few steps in front of her i swivelled round to face her.

I raised an eyebrow, "What have you done now?" I grumbled.

"Well, we may or may not have signed you up to join the dance team" Eloise squeaked, holding onto Amber for dear life.

"Funny, the season started at the beginning of the school year, i only joined 2 weeks ago so therefore it would be too late to Audition" I laughed and started walking towards my locker.

Amber and Eloise looked at each other before hurrying after me.

"You're serious?" I asked them with a quirked eyebrow.

"We got the video you showed us off your phone and showed it to the performing arts department and teachers, They thought you were so good they want to give you a chance"

Not sure how I would react, Amber sent me a half hearted smile whilst nervously putting her thumbs up.

After me saying nothing for a little while, Eloise laughed nervously before she squeaked out "don't kill us".

"Thank you so much, both of you. It means a lot, I never thought that I'd get an opportunity like this after leaving England" I grinned and got the books out of my locker before slamming the door shut in excitement.

"So you're not mad?" Eloise asked sounding relived.

"Of course not" I giggled.

"Thank god! You're gonna smash it E" Amber squealed clapping her hands together and jumping up and down on the spot.

"When do I have to audition?" I asked as we walked to home room.

"Oh about that. Today" Amber grinned looking at Eloise.

"What!" I huffed, "You could've told me this morning, I would've picked a more appropriate outfit choice" i gestured down to my blue floral dress whilst starting to panic.

"What!" I huffed, "You could've told me this morning, I would've picked a more appropriate outfit choice" i gestured down to my blue floral dress whilst starting to panic

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