Chapter twenty seven - Waves

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Eden's POV:

The sunlight that seeped through my windows woke me up this morning, the sun softly kissing my skin.

I sat up and stretched out my arms as I stifled out a yawn.

"Morning Edee" Theo's voice croaked out from beside me.

His morning voice was hot.

I turned to face him and softly smiled. "Good morning"

Not only was his voice hot, but himself in general. He looked like an angel. His hair was dishevelled but in a attractive way, his muscles were on full show and his green eyes were glistening from the sun.

"Sleep well?" He asked grinning as his eyes ventured up to my messy hair.

"Very well thank you" I laughed but felt a blush rise to my cheeks.

I checked the time on my phone that was resting on my bedside table, 8:30.

The others were still asleep so I suggested making breakfast with Theo for them when they woke up.

"Definitely, I'm starving" Theo grumbled as got out of my bed putting a T-shirt on.

I gently opened the door so I didn't wake up the others and trudged my way downstairs, Theo following closely behind me.

I opened the fridge door and got out Bacon, Eggs, Bread and some orange juice.

"Fancy a omelette with some bacon and toast?" I questioned holding up the items in front of me. Theo grinned and nodded his head as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands.

I got out a frying pan from one of the kitchen cupboards and turned on the hob, drizzling the pan in oil I cracked some eggs that sizzled once they hit the hot surface and as they were cooking I got out another pan and placed in the bacon.

Theo put some bread into the toaster and got out some glasses from the kitchen cupboard to pour in some orange juice. Once the toast popped up he buttered it and placed it onto some plates as i dished up one omelette for everyone and a few pieces of bacon each.

We sat down at the kitchen table enjoying our food when Theo cleared his throat before taking a swig of his orange juice. "I was thinking in bed last night about what you said"

I quirked an eyebrow before it clicked. "About relationships?" I questioned as I took a bite out of my toast.

"Yeah it probably isn't all that bad you know... feeling loved" he muttered, avoiding my gaze.

"You just need to find the right person then" I smiled as I got up to clear our plates.

He let out a low laugh as he pushed his chair out to get up and clear away our glasses. "I guess so yes"

I was putting away our plates in the dishwasher and once I shut the door I turned around and walked straight into Theo.


"You really need to stop doing that Edee" Theo teased, his voice just below a whisper.

Awkwardly laughing i tried to move past him. "Sorry, I'll get out of your way"

"Let me think about that..." Theo smirked as he placed his arms either side of my head against the kitchen cabinets to stop me from moving anywhere. "no"

Our bodies were nearly touching, his hot breath fanned my face. I looked up to meet his gaze, his eyes were piercing into mine.

Theo tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear, brushing my cheek in the process. "You know you're cute when you blush"

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