Chapter thirty six - Heated

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Sexual content warning - i will be posting this chapter followed by thirty seven today for those who aren't comfortable reading.

Eden's POV:

"Bye guys! See you in school on Monday!" Eloise yelled as she scrambled into Alexander's car.

After the funfair she was going to spend the weekend with Alexander in a cabin around a 4 hour drive from here. She hasn't stopped talking about it all week, she's so excited.

"Have you seen my phone E?" Amber sighed as she was digging through her bag.

"Here babe, you gave it to me earlier" Hunter chuckled handing over her phone.

"Oh right, did I?" Amber swayed from where she was standing.

She was out of her mind drunk.

"Hunter let's go home" she giggled.

It wasn't late but considering we came here straight from school we had been here a while.

"Yeah, let's get you home before we have a reenactment of what happened last year" Hunter rolled his eyes before scooping her up in his Arms and walking over to his car.

"What happened last year?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up to Theo. He had his arm draped around my shoulder and was playing with my hair.

"Long story, I'll tell you later" He let out a low laugh and gently kissed my forehead.

"See you guys later!" Hunter shouted once he carefully placed Amber in the front seat and made his way round to the drivers side.

Theo did that nod thing guys do before he wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to his car.

I hadn't mentioned to Theo what me, Eloise and Amber had been talking about for a while. Fiddling with my hands as I got in the car Theo sensed my anxiousness.

"What's wrong Edee?" He softly spoke as he placed a hand on my thigh, drawing small little shapes with his fingers.

I let out a soft smile as I cupped his cheek with my hand, "Nothing"

Raising an uncertain eyebrow he pulled out of the spot from where he parked his car and we made our way over to my house, my parents were away for the weekend and they said Theo was more than welcome to stay over.

The drive back was short, the music from the radio filled the car and Theo's hand didn't leave my thigh once.

When he pulled into my garage where my parents car would normally be parked, I carefully stepped out of the car and unlocked the door.

My hands began trembling as I fiddled turned the knob of the door, Theo followed behind me with his hand placed firmly on my lower back.

Once we walked through the empty house and  up the stairs into to my room Theo immediately took his shoes off and lazily flopped down onto my bed.

"Edee I am so ready for this weekend, this week has dragged" He grumbled sitting up, a indent formed in the duvet from where he was just lying down.

He made his way towards me and slithered his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. "And I'm very glad I'm spending it with just you" He mumbled into the crease of my neck.

"Me too Theo" I chuckled softly placing my hands around the back of his head, feeling the soft texture of his messy hair.

"Ugh i need a shower, those fairs are riddled with germs" I groaned slipping away from his embrace.

He chuckled as he let go of me, kissing my forehead before he stepped back.

This was it. This was what I'd been talking to Amber and Eloise about.

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