Chapter thirty eight - Flowers

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Eden's POV:

Reluctantly Theo let me walk home. He insisted he took me incase anything happened but I convinced him I'd be okay.

I do believe Theo, I just need some time alone to think. We all do every now and then.

Charlotte was officially one of the cruelest humans to roam the earth. Her and my Ex would make a cute couple actually.

I opened the front door to my house, mum had a client and dad was still in the office so I'd be home alone for a little while longer. I decided to take a nice warm relaxing bath, i needed it to soak my muscles but also to try and clear my mind of the events that happened today.

After a while of being submerged under the bubbly water I got out, dried my body, moisturised and did my skin care routine. I trudged my way down the stairs to start cooking dinner for when my parents get home.

Looking through the fridge I decided to cook pasta with chicken and a basil sauce.

I was intently watching the water bubble on the cooker when there was a knock at the door. Grumbling in frustration I made my way out of the kitchen to the door and opened it to reveal Theo holding Flowers, iced caramel coffee and a teddy bear.

"Theo you didn't have to do this, what happened wasn't your fault. I didn't ask for this. I just wanted some time alone" I shyly smiled.

"No Eden. I could see the heartbreak in your eyes. I know you said you believe me but I'm still going to make it up to you because you deserve it" He said handing me all of the items.

"Thank you, Theo" I weakly managed to flash a smile at him before walking into the house and filling up a vase with water to put the flowers in and i turned off the cooker so the pasta didn't over cook.

Taking the flowers upstairs I put them in my room next to a selfie I got printed of me and Theo on my bedside table.

Me and Theo were cuddling in bed, he had that gorgeous smile on and his hair was messy. I was in one of his hoodies and the picture caught us laughing about something.

Theo was right, when I found something funny I scrunched up my nose and screwed up my eyes.

As I was sat looking at the picture I heard Theo walk into my room holding a bag of chicken nuggets.

"Couldn't forget these" he said holding them up and smiling at me.

"You know me far to well" I subtly smiled back at him, starting to feel myself tear up a little.

"Eden i am so sorry" Theo scurried over to where I was sat and gently pulled me into his lap.

"Theo stop apologising please this wasn't your doing" I mumbled out into his shirt.

I'll never get tired of the smell of his aftershave.

"I know Edee, I just hate seeing you like this. It should've never of happened in the first place" He mumbled back into the crook of my neck, playing with my hair.

"Can we just forget about it please?" I pulled away from his chest to look at him.

"After Charlotte apologises. Yes" Theo said back, drawing little shapes with his finger on my legs.

I nodded and looked down on my bed to see the Teddy Theo had given me.

He noticed me staring and picked it up before handing it to me. "What are you naming it Edee?"

"I'm not sure" i sniffled out, carefully inspecting it.

"How about... nuggets" Theo playfully grabbed a chicken nugget and pretended to feed it to the soft bear.

"Nuggets it is" I lightly smiled.

I gently took it from Theo's hands and cuddled him into my face. "He smells like you"

Smiling at me Theo gently tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I sprayed some of my aftershave on him because i know you love it"

I looked up at Theo and softly smiled at him as I brushed my hand across his cheek to scratch the back of his head. "Thank you" I whispered out.

He gently pecked my lips and smiled back at me. "You're so beautiful and I'm so incredibly lucky. You know that, right Eden?"

I smiled at him before I buried my head into his chest.

He felt like home.

"I really don't want to leave you Eden, I know you said you wanted some alone time but how about we watch After and eat chicken nuggets instead?" He said grinning at me.

Giggling and pulling myself off him to get the tv remote I agreed. "Sounds like a plan"

"For once, I really don't mind watching that movie" He said as he made himself comfortable under my bedsheets, lifting up the duvet and patting down on the mattress to signal for me to get in next to him.

We'd been watching the film for a while in a comfortable silence, Theo was playing with my hair as I was lying on top of him."So this is the lake scene yeah? When the dude takes the chic swimming and they end up dramatically kissing"

I turned around to look at him rolling my eyes. I stammered out a chuckle "Well Theo, considering they are at a lake. I'd say so yes"

He softy smiled at me before putting his hand on my head to gently play with my hair again.

"You always smell really nice Edee, what perfume do you use? I might have to get some" He mumbled into my hair.

"Wait a second" I pulled away from him and walked over to my desk where my perfume was perfectly laid out.

I grabbed a bottle and handed it over to him. "Here, I got a new bottle the other day so you can have this one" I softly smiled as his eyes lit up.

"Really?" He looked up at me with a genuine smile.

I let out a chuckle before lying back down on his chest. "Yes really, Theo"

"I'm going to spray it on my pillow and your scrunchie" He admitted as he softly kissed my forehead before he put the bottle in his jacket pocket.

We'd finished watching the film and made our way to the kitchen to start cooking dinner again.

"Are you telling everyone about what happened?" Theo questioned as he got out some basil sauce from a kitchen cabinet.

"I don't know, I kind of just want to forget about it all"

He hummed in response as he poured the sauce on the freshly cooked pasta.

"Here you go baby" Theo smiled as he placed a bowl Infront of me.

I smiled back at him as he placed a kiss on my cheek, "Thanks Theo"

He sat down next to me and placed his hand on my thigh as he gently rubbed his thumb up and down.

Looking at Theo up until now, I never realised how much I needed him.

Authors note

Things are starting to get a little better again!

What do we think Theo's gonna do to make Charlotte apologise?

See you Friday :)

G x

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