Chapter thirteen - My place

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Eden's POV:

I was walking into the library to try and find Amber and Eloise.

Apparently, even though Amber and Hunter were an item they'd spend all of their time here or studying in a classroom.

Amber would only see Hunter outside of school.

But now Eloise and Alexander are a thing they've been spending lunchtimes with them, they're always engrossed in conversation, Theo's always on his phone or making out with girls around the school so I just sit and read my book.

I carefully traced my fingers around the spines of the books until my gaze landed on one book in specific.

I picked it up and walked over to the librarians desk.

"Name, sweetie?" She smiled up at me.

She looked old, her grey hair was in rollers, her glasses were perched on the tip of her nose and she had a odd coffee stain on her cardigan. That's when it clicked.

"Eden!!" She exclaimed happily.

It was my neighbour, Mrs. Parker.

"Hello Mrs Parker" I smiled at her before placing my book down on her desk Infront of her.

"The fault in our stars" she grinned, "you have taste"

She scanned the book and handed it to me before telling me that if I needed anything whilst my parents were gone I just had to ask.

"Thank you Mrs.Parker, I'll see you later" I sent her a small wave and walked out of the library doors.

I was walking down the hallway staring down at the floor to avoid having to look at anyone when I walked straight into a hard rock chest.

"Ow" I mumbled stumbling back.

"Watch where you're going Edee" Theo smirked leaning against a locker beside him.

"Oh sorry Theo, I didn't see you there" I muttered out.

He quirked an eyebrow, "I could tell, you just walked straight into me" He said stating the obvious signalling to his chest.

That man.

He had muscles.

I think his rocks for abs could've given me a concussion.

"Done drooling?" Theo grinned.

I snapped out of my thoughts," Wh-what?"

"Are you done drooling, or do you need another minute?" Now smirking he went to lift up his black shirt.

Quickly screwing my eyes shut to save myself from blushing from embarrassment I squawked out "no no, I'm done"

"So you we're drooling?" He grinned.

"What, no? I -"

"Then why did you say you were done Edee? You can't finish something without starting it"

"Shut up" was all I managed to mumble out without embarrassing myself even more.

"Are your parents still alright with us working at your place tonight? Theo questioned.

"Mhm, they're out of town for dads work till tonight. They'll be fine with it"

Theodore Taylor, Player of Stoberry high was coming to my place to study.


"I would give you my address but you already know it"

"That I do" He grinned.

I started to play with my fingers.

"Why do you do that? You said you do it when you get anxious but why?" Theo questioned.

"People stare, they judge. It makes me insecure" I responded truthfully.

He stepped closer to me.

He gently caresses my face as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, making me blush I tilt my head down to look at my shoes. He notices the effect he has on me as he places his hand on my chin to lift my head up to make our eyes meet.

His green eyes shimmer in the sunlight that seeps through the hallway window,
"You don't see it do you?" He finally speaks up breaking the silence.

"See what?" I whisper out trying to avoid his gaze.

The ringing of the bell snaps me out of my trance, he smirks as he drops his hand from my cheek before waking off to his next class.

What was that all about?

I stood there, practically star struck before I scrambled to my last lesson off the day. English Language.

Huffing I sat down in my seat next to my two lovely friends.

"What's wrong with you" Amber questioned.

I then proceeded to tell them about what happened in the hallway.

"Oh E he DEFINITELY likes you"

"Sshh" I spat out.

"Ask him tonight, when he's at your place studying". Amber was squeaking like a little mouse at this point.

"What are you crazy? No, I'll make myself look stupid" I whined.

"E I have never seen him do that to anyone before, not even Charlotte" Eloise swooned.

My nose crinkled at her name.

Thankfully, the bell rang just in time before Amber and Eloise could interrogate me even further.

Smiling I turned around to talk to them. "Have fun with your boyfriends tonight"

I pulled them into a hug before walking out the door.

"By E, and don't forget to ask Theo. Text us!" Amber practically yelled.

To say I was shitting myself about tonight after what happened today would be like saying Texas gets snow in the summer.

A lie.

I was well and truly petrified.

Authors note


What do you think was going through Theo's head?

Find out in the next chapter!

See you Monday :)

G x

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