Chapter thirty two - Thunderstorms

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Eden's POV:

"That went well" Theo mumbled into my neck as he played with my hair. We were led down in bed under the covers, our legs were intertwined and i was lying on his chest.

We just had dinner with my parents. Theo's been over before but this was the first time having dinner as a couple.

A couple... I like the sound of that.

"I told you it would be fine, you've met them before anyway" I sleepily muttered out into the warmth of his body.

Theo sighed in content as he moved his hand up and down my back. "Can you stay the night?" I asked looking up at him.

"I wish I could Edee but I don't know if your parents would be happy with it, mom would
be fine with me staying over but I don't want to push any buttons too quickly with yours. We only got together today, I don't want to rush anything" He mumbled as he traced my face features with his thumb.

"I'm sure they'll be fine with it, let me ask" I smiled kissing his jaw as I pulled myself off him.

I skipped down the stairs and saw mum and dad watching TV in the living room.

"Before you ask, yes" Mum simply stated taking a sip of her tea out of her cup as her gaze was stuck on the dramatic fight scene playing on the television screen.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as i sat down in the middle of the both of them,
grabbing a handful of popcorn out of the bowl on dads lap.

He slapped my hand away and smiled at me as he ruffled my hair, "Theo can sleep over"

"Really?" I asked with a twinkle in my eye.

Mum smiled at me before putting her cup down on the coaster that was on the coffee table. "Of course sweetheart, door open though"

I leaned into her side and mumbled out "Thank you" before doing the same to dad.

Mum stretched her arms out and turned the TV off. "It's getting late so we're going to bed anyway, just be sure to wake up on time for school" standing up she cleared away her cup and dads empty bowl.

"You know me I've never been late to school, not once" I laughed as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I love you, night!" I shouted running up the stairs, quickly wanting to be back in Theo's embrace.

They said I love you and goodnight back simultaneously. I reached my bedroom door and Theo turned his gaze to look at me.

With a grin i clambered into bed, "they said yes"

He chuckled and pulled the duvet over to cover us "I gathered"

He muttered into my hair, "I can't believe I get to call you mine"

"Me too Theo" I mumbled back feeling my eyes begin to droop close.

I heard him whisper "Goodnight beautiful" before I drifted off into a deep peaceful slumber.

I woke up with a jolt when a loud boom erupted throughout the house.

My breathing was rapid and my throat was dry, another boom echoed in my ears and I scrambled out of bed startling Theo in the process.

It was a thunderstorm... I know what you're thinking, don't be such a scaredy-cat Eden, but I have always taken a really strong disliking to Thunder. I enjoy watching the lighting and the  rain because it's mesmerising to look at but thunder... no thanks.

"Eden it's okay I'm right here" Theo quickly got up out of bed and wrapped his arms around me. I immediately felt safer.

"It's just thunder Edee, it can't hurt you" he mumbled into the crook of my neck as he soothingly rubbed my back.

"It's embarrassing that I get so scared over it" I muttered back, still firmly wrapped tightly in his arms.

"Don't say that" he furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled away, "why don't we watch the storm together out of your window?"

I nodded and shuffled over to my bedroom window, opening the curtains it revealed the rain that was harshly pattering down onto the glass window panes. Lightening flickered as it lit up the scenery i front of us,  giving everything a white glow for a millisecond.

Theo wrapped a warm secure arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "you're cold, why don't you put on my jumper?"

"Good idea" I mumbled walking towards my closet where I placed Theo's jumper the other night after he told me I could keep it, thinking back I wonder why he told me I could keep it and then realisation hit. I smile to myself and put on the comfortable fabric over my head.

His jumper was definitely to big for me but I loved it.

"So cute" Theo grinned as he climbed back into my bed.

I slid under the covers and led next to Theo, soon enough I felt myself drifting back off to sleep again.

"What time is it?" I hoarsed out as I tried to find my phone by frantically patting my bed side table.

"Edee" Theo whispered into my ear, "school emailed, it's been cancelled today as the weather conditions are just to dangerous for people to travel in. Go back to sleep"


"Just go back to sleep Edee" He cooed softly rubbing my back. I could stay in this position forever.

After I fell back asleep I woke up a few hours later still wrapped up in Theo's arms. The rain was still pouring and the wind was blowing the trees and shrubs outside.

School had been cancelled, the weather was just too risky for people to drive in as some of the roads had already been flooded.

"Good morning to my beautiful girlfriend" Theo whispered soothingly into my neck as he grinned from ear to ear.

"Morning Theo" I mumbled out sleepily.

"I can definitely get used to calling you my girlfriend" He said as he stretched out his arms and sighed in content.

I blushed and snuggled up to him, we laid together for a bit longer before we got up and made some breakfast.

We spent the rest of the day making cookies together and watching After.

It sounds so cliché but Theo makes me feel like home and it's only been a day.

Authors note

Filler chapter here, a big chapter is coming up!!

What do we think about Theo's and Eden's relationship?

What's their ship name??

See you Monday :)

G x

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