Chapter five - The Party

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Eden's POV:

The bass of the music sounded under my feet as we approached the house where the party was being held.

"Amber!" A male voice called out.

"Oh hey babe" Amber replied with a grin.

"Eden, this is my boyfriend Hunter"

It was one of the boys who was with Theodore earlier in my physics classroom.

"Ahh new girl!" Hunter exclaimed with a big goofy smile.

"You know each other?" Amber questioned quirking an eyebrow.

"We bumped into her in school earlier" Hunter brushed a hand though his hair. "How did you three meet? He asked.

"We were on our way to Target when we saw Luca trying to touch her up. Perv" Eloise muttered.

I nervously looked down and started to pick at my nails.

"Don't be embarrassed, he looks intimidating but he's really a big goon" Eloise whispered with a smile as she gestured over to Hunter and Amber now making out.

"They've been together since sophomore year, complete polar opposites but they make it work" she said offering me a smile.

"That's cute" I said giving her a smile back.

"Ehem, El?" I looked up to see the other boy Theodore was with earlier and the main man himself.

holy fuck.

"Oh hey Alex" Eloise suddenly went quiet and a blush took over her face.

"Wanna grab a drink?" He suggested before looking at me.

"Oh hey, it's new girl" He said completely engulfing me with a hug.

"Hi" I said back with a small smile.

"Didn't think party's were your thing?" Alexander said, meanwhile Theodore was stood observing with his arms crossed against his chest.

"You can tell?" I asked slightly embarrassed.

"Only a bit" he grinned pinching his pointer finger and thumb closely together trying to mimic what ' only a bit ' looked like.

"Amber and Hunter have already gone inside, come on El". Alexander said after showing me what 'a bit' looked like repeatedly for a good 5 minutes.

Eloise linked her arm in mine and guided me inside. I've never been to something like this before, there was alcohol, massive strong whiffs off weed and smoke coming from the smoke machines located on the floor.

"Hey you okay?" She said with a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm good, overwhelmed that's all" I replied trying to reassure her.

"You'll be okay E, we got you" she spoke back squeezing my arm confidently.

I took in my surroundings before Theodore came back with drinks for himself, Eloise, Alexander and one other cup, presumably for a girl he was trying to get into bed with until I realised he was holding the red cup in front of me gesturing me to take it.

"Oh no thank you, I'm okay" I said quietly as I tucked a peice of hair behind my ear.

He just smirked before pouring the contents of the drink he was going to hand me into his cup.

"So British girl how come your named after a garden" Alexander said whilst stuffing his face with popcorn.

"Shut up you dickwad" Eloise rambled hitting Alexander across the head, "I'm so sorry, he's such a child"

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