Chapter twenty eight - Realization

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Eden's POV:

The sun was gracefully setting on the horizon. Different shades of yellow, oranges and reds contrasted with the deep blue colour of the ocean.

We'd been at the beach for a few hours now. All we've really done is swim about in the water and sunbathe but it was great fun. We grabbed some lunch from a stall along the pier earlier on today which was delicious.

As much as I miss England, I could definitely get used to this lifestyle in California.

We were sat around a bonfire that the boys had just lit. "So did you enjoy today E?" Eloise asked as she cuddled up into Alexander's side.

I brung my legs up to my chest as it was getting slightly cold and smiled at her. "I did, thank you for coming with me"

"You're one of us now E, no need to thank us" Alexander grinned as he wrapped an arm around her side.

We spent the rest of the evening talking and eating dinner. We ordered some more food off a different stall along the pier.

It was a perfect day.

Amber yawned as she sat up and dusted the sand off her clothes, "We better get going, it's getting cold and I'm super tired. Plus my mom is picking me and Hunter up in a minute."

Because we walked over to my house on Friday nobody drove into school, hence Ambers mum picking her up from the beach.

Stretching out his arms Hunter stumbled to his feet and took Ambers hand in his, "Shes right, thank you for a great day guys and E thank your parents for letting us stay over. We need to do it again" grinning he ruffled his hair and picked up his and Ambers bags.

Eloise, Alexander and Theo all stood up and collected their things. We all said goodbye to Hunter and Amber as her mum had arrived to get them and Elouise and Alexander decided to walk back to Alexander's house. I didn't realise he lived so close to me, his house was only a few streets down from mine.

I decided I wanted to stay for a while longer. I enjoyed watching the waves, it brought me peace.

I sat back down and picked up a handful of sand. I watched each grain slip out of the heap in my hand and land back down next to me.

I heard Theo's voice from behind me, "You're staying for a bit?"

"Uh- yeah I am" I smiled at him before averting my gaze to the ocean. The dark blue waves contrasted with the white foam as they crashed into each other. "Mind If I join you?"

Before I could answer he had thrown his bag down in a heap and sat down next to me.

I was kicking myself for not bringing a jumper when I felt little goosebumps rise on my arms.

"Heads!" Theo said before I felt a heap of fabric land on my head covering the scenery in front of me. It was Theo's jumper, it smelt just like him.

I held out the jumper in one hand, "What's this for?" I asked quirking an eyebrow.

"You wear those things, they're called jumpers" He teased looking directly at the sea.

"I know that" I scoffed, "why have you given me yours?"

"You're cold, don't say you don't want it because I know you do" he said as his gaze was still solely on the ocean.

I didn't bother to argue so I slipped it on and it automatically made me feel so much warmer, I saw Theo slightly grin out of the corner of my eye which made me blush a crimson red. I got comfortable by bringing my legs up to my chest and resting my head on my knees.

I began to intently look out into the ocean before I turned my head to look at Theo. We stared into each others eyes for a while, the only noise from around us was the distant chatter from the other people on the beach and the sea in front of us. I noticed his breath hitch in his throat as his eyes darted all over me, taking in every bit of my appearance.

Theo really is something else, he's handsome and he does have a soft side that he tends to hide from people.

I sent him a soft smile as i pulled his hoodie sleeves over my hands to keep them from getting cold.

"Still cold Edee?" Flashing his signature smirk he raked his hands through his salty hair.

"A little yeah" i chuckled as i rubbed my tired eyes.

He opened out his arm and gestured for me to move closer, "come here"

I hesitated at first but i scooted closer and melted into his embrace. He tightly wrapped his arm around my upper body and gently stroked my back as I rested my head on his shoulder. It was silent between us, but it was a comfortable silence.

In that moment I realised that Theo made me feel something I have never felt before, ever...

And I was enjoying every minute of it.

Theo's POV:

Eden intently watched the waves crash into each other, she looked peaceful as the soft breeze made her hair gently flow behind her revealing her perfect face. The moonlight reflected onto her skin and her hazel eyes shone like the stars in the sky above us.

Her legs were tucked up into her chest and her head was resting on her knees.

She turned her head to look at me and we stared into each others eyes for a while, the only noise from around us was the distant chatter from the other people on the beach and the sea in front of us. My breath hitched in my throat as my eyes darted all over her, taking in every bit of her appearance.

She is unbelievably beautiful and she has a heart of gold but she can't seem to realise that.

She sent me a soft smile as she pulled my hoodie sleeves over her hands to keep them from getting cold.

My heart fluttered at the sight, "Still cold Edee?" smirking I raked my hands through my salty hair.

"A little yeah" she chuckled as she rubbed her tired eyes.

I opened out my arm and gestured for her to move closer, "come here"

She hesitated at first but she scooted closer and melted into my embrace. Tightly wrapping my arm around her upper body and gently stroking her back she rested her head on my shoulder. It was silent between us, but it was a comfortable silence.

Eden made me feel something I have never felt before, ever.

And I was craving even more.

Authors note

Ahh double POV!

It all comes out in this chapter!

I hope you enjoyed ;)

See you Friday!

G x

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