Chapter forty two - Our Hearts

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Theo's POV:

Eden looked at me with wide eyes for what felt like forever.

Feeling my heart sink at her lack of words I pulled away, "I didn't say it for you to say it back, just thought you should know"

"Iloveyoutootheo" She spluttered out all in one breath.

Feeling relief wash over me, my heart skipped a beat at her soft voice. "What was that baby? Didn't quite catch what you were saying"

She blushed before brushing a piece of hair from my face. "I love you too Theo"

"That's right" I mumbled before placing my lips onto hers, she kissed me back for a bit before pulling away. Eden's not the biggest fan of PDA.

The other day at the mall, there was this couple making out right beofre our eyes and Eden got all squirmy.

"Why me?" She questions softly as she plays with the hem of my shirt.

"You make me feel sappy shit" I answered back taking her hands into mine and rubbing them so they don't get cold.

"How romantic" She teased pushing my chest playfully. The bell rang to signal home room was starting so I pecked Eden's lips before waking her to her classroom and walking to mine.

Sitting down in my seat Alexander and Hunter are anxiously looking at each other and then back at me.

"How did it go?" Alexander asks with a raised eyebrow and a squint of the eye.

Why does his face do that.

"She loves me" I beamed happily before taking out my phone to message Eden.


I miss you baby

Edee <3

I last saw you two minutes ago

But I miss you too


Two minutes is far too long

"Theo, phone away now please" My home room teacher asked and as instructed I put my phone into my pocket.

Since when did I listen to teachers?

"She's changed you, for the good, of course" Hunter smiled at me as he held out his hand for Alex to give him some Hershey kisses.

Holding my hand out for some chocolate as well, I brushed my hair out of the way of my eyes "I know she has. I can't help it, she's driving me insane"

Alexander kindly gave me 4 Hershey kisses, I saved 2 for Eden and popped 2 in my mouth.

Home room went by pretty quickly and soon enough it was lunch. I gave Eden the chocolates and she gratefully took them with a peck on my cheek.

"Mom wants to see you tonight. You up for it?" I muttered into her ear.

Taking a swig of her water and wiping her mouth she grins at me.

Her smile, i will never find anything more beautiful.

"Definitely, I feel like I haven't seen your mum or Max in ages"

The rest of the day goes by like a breeze, I was waiting for Eden outside the dance studio to drive her back to my place when Charlotte comes strutting up to me.

"Hey Theo" she purrs, dragging a long ass nasty nail along my chest.

I only like short nails, the way my Eden has hers painted.

Scrunching up my nose in disgust I push her off me. "Leave me and Eden alone, got it?" I spat out brushing my shirt down.

Charlotte and her germs. Yuck.

"Come on Theo, everyone knows you won't last. Do you even like her?" She scoffs poofing up her hair whilst looking at her reflection through the glass pane of the door.

At that moment, Eden skips out of her dance lesson. Her wondering eyes look for me and when she sees me her facial expression softens and she scurries over for a hug.

"Want me to show you how much I like her?" I ask Charlotte with a raised eyebrow but before she can even answer I pull Eden into my chest and rest my hands on her lower back before kissing her.

The taste of chocolate lingers in her mouth and her vanilla scent engulfs my senses into a safe haven.

I gently squeeze her waist before pulling away to look at Charlotte. "That's how much I like her. So back the fuck off"

All Charlotte does is scoff and turn on her heels to walk away.

"I'm sorry baby. I know you don't like PDA I just had to show her that I ain't leaving you" I said softly looking into to her eyes.

She giggles and places her hand in mine leading me to the parking lot."It's okay Theo. The bitch needed to learn a lesson"

We made it to my house safely and just as I was about to open the door it's yanked open wide to reveal Max.

Fantastic. What an asshole.

"Eden, you're looking Devine. May I take you out sometime?" Max grins before handing Eden a rose from the back garden.

"Piss off" I spat out pulling Eden closer to my side and yanking the rose out of his hand. Eden playfully stuck her tongue out at Max before leaning into my side.

Time stops whenever she's around me and I don't plan on letting her slip through my fingers.

It's me and her forever. Our hearts are meant to be together, I'm sure of it. 

Authors note

ahhh they've finally confessed!

What have you all got planned for the weekend?

Only a few chapters left now!

See you Monday :)

G x

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