Chapter thirty three - A Date

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Eden's POV:

"What's this exciting news then?" Eloise asked as she was nibbling a chip.

"You're pregnant?" Alexander grinned from beside her.

"Not yet" Theo teased from beside me.

"What? No!" I responded laughing.

Alexander grumbled in frustration, "So what is it?" He drawled out.

"Theo and I may possibly be together?" I grinned as I clasped my hands together in excitement.

"I KNEW HE HAD IT IN HIM!" Alexander yelled causing everyone to turn there heads around to look at us.

Theo grinned and pulled me in for a hug, he kissed my cheek and squeezed my thigh with his hand.

Blushing a crimson red I sunk into my seat and impatiently waited for Hunter and Amber to come into the cafeteria so I could tell them the exciting news.

The rest of the day went by smoothly and soon enough me, Amber and Eloise were in my room.

"Do you know where he's taking you?" Eloise glanced up from her phone as she was lying on my bed.

Shrugging my shoulders and looking at her through my vanity mirror I said, "No clue, he said just to dress how I normally do"

Amber and Hunter were almost as exited as Eloise and Alexander when I told them me and Theo were together.

"This is so exciting" Amber squealed as she examined all of my nail polishes. She was picking out a colour for me to use tonight.

Theo was taking me out on our first official date and I have to say I am really excited.

I have those butterflies, not the ones when your nervous about something but the type when something really excites you.

Amber and Eloise picked out a low cut navy blue dress with little white flowers on.

Amber and Eloise picked out a low cut navy blue dress with little white flowers on

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Amber also picked out blue nail polish to match my dress.

I was going to stick with my everyday makeup so filling in my eyebrows, mascara and some concealer were the only things on the agenda.

I don't feel like I have to be someone I'm not and cake my face in makeup when I'm with Theo. Not that a face full of makeup is a bad thing, I have so much respect for girls who do it but I just simply don't have the patience.

The girls left an hour before Theo was meant to arrive, I was sat at my desk topping up my nail polish with a top coat to give it a shine when I heard a knock at my door.

"Hey Edee" Theo peeked his head around the door before entering, "your mom said you were up here"

"You don't have to knock anymore Theo" I said giggling standing up from my vanity to greet him.

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