Chapter sixteen - The Fight

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Theo's POV:

I get up from my seat and pushed open the door of the diner to go find Eden and Tyler, something really doesn't feel right.

I know what your thinking. I met Eden not even two weeks ago and I'm stressing out because I'm worried she might be in danger.

Tyler's never hit a girl. Ever.

So nothing to worry about right?

But something just seemed off. You know when you wake up and think your day is going to go completely wrong? Well I had that feeling in my gut.

Something is different about Eden, I still had a lot to find out but she felt.. warm?

I last saw Eden and Tyler 15 minutes ago when he led her out of the diner, her bag was still by their table. So they couldn't have properly left.

Eden's a smart girl, but she can't always protect herself. She knows that first hand but she won't always admit it.

The breeze hits my face as I walk outside.

I couldn't see them anywhere, maybe he took her home?

There were a few cars left in the parking lot but one really stood out.

It was Tyler's. I rolled my eyes as I looked at his cranky old Volxwagon piece of crap. Atleast once a week he would always be late because his car would have either broken down or he would run out of gas. The funniest was when his engine blew up. It literally started steaming and then boom, smithereens of engine everywhere.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. All of Eden's stuff was still inside and Tyler's car was still in the parking lot, they couldn't of gone far.

I was about to go inside to get Alexander and Hunter when I heard a muffled cry from the alleyway in between the diner wall and the cinema wall.

I paced over to see Tyler pressed up against Eden, she looked uncomfortable. She was squirming to try and get away from his hold.

His hand was placed over her mouth to stop the sounds from escaping her lips.

That was when I realised he was hitting her.

He was literally fucking hitting her.

He punched her straight in her ribs.

I sprinted down the alleyway and tore him off her which didn't take much force, weak piece of shit.

Eden stumbled back, her breathing was shallow and she clutched herself.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" I spat out.

"Come to collect one of your dirty sluts have you? I didn't think you were into nerds" He grinned, I still had a hold on the shirt of his collar.

"Don't fucking call her that" I yanked his face closer to mine before looking a him directly in his eyes.

"How low is your life, so low you fucking lay your hands on a girl that's so fucking pure and innocent? She wouldn't hurt a fly you piece of utter shit"

I didn't even wait to hear what he said to say, I started throwing punches directly at his face.

Eden was currently sobbing in between trying to catch her breath from crying. "Th-Theo plea-please stop, you'll hu- hurt yourself"

Blood started to trickle out of Tyler's nose, my knuckles were forming red and purple bruises with each hit.

I gave Tyler one last punch before letting go of his shirt collar.

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