Chapter thirty nine - Revenge

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Theo's POV:

I gently pulled away from Eden, trying not to stir her in her sleep to get up and meet Alex and Hunter.

I checked the time, 3:00 am. Great, right on track.

I slipped on my shoes and my jacket before kissing Eden on her forehead and pulling up the covers so she didn't get cold.

I carefully lifted up her window and climbed through it before not so subtly landing on my feet.

"Shit" I hissed as i cradled my scratched knee.

"THEOOOO" Alexander belted out from the other side of the street.

I shot him a glare before scrambling up to my feet and quickly walking over to him. "Are you crazy?!" I whisper yelled shaking his shoulders.

"It's 3:00 in the morning you asshat" Hunter muttered from his car that was parked on the side of the road.

Alexander frowned before pouting and crossing his arms over his chest. "Is Eden coming?"

"Is she fuck!" I raised a eyebrow and opened up the back door to Hunters car "Get in the car Alex"

"This is so fun!" Alexander squealed as he excitedly clapped his hands together.

"What are you, five?" Hunter teased looking at him through the rear view mirror.

Alexander dramatically sighed before flailing his arms in the air. "Shut up Hunter. I've been waiting AGES to do this"

We were going to school to place a few bits and bobs into Charlottes locker. One of the items was a note that read:


You are a bitch and a bitch Is a female dog, so if I throw a stick, will you go and fetch it?

The sexiest three boys in school

If you couldn't tell already, Alexander wrote that letter...

I did tell Alex and Hunter about what happened with Charlotte and they were not happy. At all.

I told them just to leave it because that's what Eden wanted, but here I am, going to school at 3:30am placing a petty note and a bag of flour into charlottes locker.

We made it to school and Hunter parked his car the street over so we wouldn't be tracked or traced or whatever.

"Got the note? Got the flower?" Hunter asked as he slammed his car door shut.

I nodded and opened up my backpack to reveal a note and a bag full of flower with some string and scissors.

We sneaked our way into school from the back of the gym and carefully trekked through the school halls.

It was so different here being at night, the halls were cold and the only source of light was from the moon outside.

We got to charlottes locker and opened the bag of flour. We cut it open at the top and tied some string to the bag and onto the roof of her locker facing downwards.

Hunter slammed the door shut and placed the letter in the slits of the door so when Charlotte would get the letter she'd have to open the locker itself. That being said the flour would pour all over her and she would be publicly embarrassed.

Again like I said, Alexander's idea.

"Can we go home dude? I'm exhausted" Hunter pleaded as he dragged his hands over his face.

"That makes two of us" I grumbled in frustration before rubbing my arms up and down.

I craved Eden every second of the day.

We scrambled back into the car and sped off back into the night.

"Bye Theo!" Alexander cheered as he scrambled his way into the drivers seat from the back seat as i was trying to get out of Hunters car.

"You're so impatient" Hunter grumbled in annoyance.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow" I said before quickly walking off to climb back into Eden's room.

They both smiled at me before speeding off down the road, cringing at the sound of tyres screeching on the tarmac I climbed back through Eden's window softly and shutting it behind me.

I took my shoes and jacket off before getting comfortable under the sheets with Eden again.

Eden made me feel so safe, she felt like home.

"Where did you go?" She whispered as she nuzzled her head into my neck.

"I just took care of some things Edee, go back to sleep beautiful" I whispered back as I played with her soft hair.

"Will you tell me in the morning?" She asked raising her head to look at me.

I tucked some hair behind her ear and softly smiled, "Of course, I promise"

I held out my pinky finger as she did the same, I kissed her thumb and placed my hand on her head to lower it down so she was resting on my chest.

I was glad that I did what I did, even if it was some petty middle school prank. Eden did not deserve to get hurt like that...

... and I'll do everything in my power to stop it from happening again

Authors note

Sorry it's so short. It's kind of a filler chapter!

So Theo has finally gotten revenge!

What do we think? I tried to make this chapter lighthearted and funny!

See you Friday:)

G x

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