Chapter seven - First Day

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Eden's POV:

beep beep beep beep beep

My alarm clock woke me up with a jolt this morning. I was still getting used to the time difference, I was absolutely exhausted.

After the party on Friday nothing really exciting happened, I stayed home, FaceTimed my friends back in England, went on a few walks and read my book, that was it really.

Dragging myself out of bed I was trembling with nerves, today was my first day at school. To say I was anxious would be a understatement.

I walked over to my bathroom rubbing my tired eyes and yawning. I hoped splashing my face with cold water would wake me up.

Nope, still tired.

Groaning I do all my skin care and brush my hair so there's no knots before Dutch plaiting both sides of my head and popping them into a low bun. I apply some mascara and fill in my eyebrows before deciding on a outfit. Today I went with a dress with a white shirt underneath. Not too much but hopefully enough to look decent for my first day. I wasn't trying to get anyone's attention but I wanted to make a first good impression. You never know, Harry styles could turn up at any given point.

My lessons today are Maths, English literature, Social studies, World Geography and lastly

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My lessons today are Maths, English literature, Social studies, World Geography and lastly.. you guesses it. Physics.

Fucking fantastic.

I wasn't dreading seeing Theodore today, I was just worried it would be awkward.

Thinking about it actually, Theodore probably wouldn't talk to me anyway. Nothing to worry about, right?

I packed my school bag with my books and my lunch I made the night before. I also put in my portable charger, some pads in case I needed them or anyone else did, my glasses and my inhaler.

I haven't needed it for years but better safe then sorry. I like to be prepared, it gives me some form of relief if I get anxious. It sounds weird but there we go.

Walking down stairs to put my white Nikes on mum and dad are sat around the table.

"Morning sweetheart" mum says with a mouth full off cereal as she passes me a bowl and some orange juice.

"Morning mum" I replied kissing her on the cheek.

"Morning kiddo, you ready for the day?" Dad asks glancing up from his laptop.

I just nod. Realistically I was absolutely shitting myself. I think my parents could tell because they both gave me a lecture on how I would be fine, how I've already met two lovely girls, how I'm smart so I don't have to worry about not understanding the work and how they'd only be a phone call away if things got to overwhelming.

"You know the way to school right sweetheart?" Mum asked me.

"Yes mum, I remember the drive there" I reassured her with a smile.

"You best be off, we'll see you later okay" Mum was practically shooing me out the door.

"See you later, I love you"

"We love you to sweetheart"

I put in my AirPods and kept my head down on the way to school, Eloise and Amber live 10 minutes away from school so they said they'd meet me there.

Half an hour later the school building was in full view. My palms were sweating and I was shaking.

Fucking hell.

Students swarmed the outside of school, trying to find my friends mixed with a bunch of other teenagers was a lot harder then anticipated.

"E!!" I turned around to see a very smiley Eloise and Amber.

"Hi" I replied with a small smile, they wrapped there arms around me and told me everything would be okay.

"Hey babe" Amber looked around to see Hunter walking towards us.

"Hey" she blushed as Hunter wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Hey Eden, you nervous?" Hunter asked me with a comforting smile.

"Yeah" I mumbled tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You'll be fine you have us to protect you" Alexander said jogging over flexing his muscles before nearly tripping over.

"Let's get you to home room yeah E?" Amber smiled.

We walked into school, earning glances from other students.

What is the new girl doing with Hunter and Alexander

I heard she's from Britain

I'm drinking woter innit luv

I mentally fucking cringed at that last one.

They walked me over to home room and waved me goodbye before heading off to their own classrooms.

The first few periods wiz by. The teachers welcome me, gives me briefs on what work to catch-up on and so on.

It gets to lunch,I promised to sit with Amber and Eloise but I couldn't seem to find them anywhere. I decided to make my way over to my locker I was given earlier to organise. I pilled in some books and slammed it shut to come face to face with a very happy looking Amber.

'Shit you scared me' I muttered.

'Sorry E, but you have some explanations to give' she smirked.

'And what these explanations be?' I nervously smiled.

'YOU'RE TUTORING THEODORE' she screeched with a massive grin.

'Ugh crap' I mumbled. 'I forgot'.

'How can you forget that?' She teased.

'I don't know, I guess I was to nervous about today' I responded truthfully.

'I'm coming over to pick you out an outfit' She practically beamed.

'Amber, It's a tutoring session, not a hook up'  I told her furrowing my eyebrows.

'Me and Eloise, we will be there. 5 o clock' Amber was flashing her pearly whites at me, clearly very excited.

'There's no getting out of this is there?' I asked as we were walking to the cafeteria.

'Nope' she giggled.


Authors note

This chapter was quite tricky to come up with, the next ones a gooden!

Any feedback is appreciated.

See you Monday :)

G x

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