Chapter twenty six - Her Scent

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Theo's POV:

The credits were rolling on Eden's TV screen from the film we were watching.

Amber and Eloise 100% planned out the sleeping arrangements.

Us guys could've slept on the floor and the girls could've had the bed but they insisted I slept with Eden.

Not like that.

We've shared a bed before when she was sick, so this wasn't a big deal.

Everyone was currently asleep apart from me so I reached over to Eden's bedside table and grabbed the remote to turn the TV off.

I felt Eden stir so I carefully lifted my arm up to give her some space to get comfortable. That was until she rolled over to me and snuggled up into my side.

I gently lowered my arm down and placed it around her. Her body was warm and the T-shirt she was wearing was soft, her signature vanilla scent was so comforting, it made me feel... safe?

Her body was still, the only movements were from her chest rising and falling.

Her face looked peaceful. Her eyelids were firmly shut, showing off her naturally long eyelashes. Her little button nose let out the occasional sniffle and her perfectly shaped lips looked soft. Her hair was in a bun but the odd strand escaped it, flailing out here and there.

"Quit staring, if she wakes up she'll think you're a creep" Hunters voice snapped me out of my trance.

"I wasn't staring, I don't know what you're talking about" I fired back at him and removed my arm from Eden's body.

"Yes you were" He teased brushing some of Ambers hair out of her face.

"Why are you even awake? You were out cold a second ago" I muttered, feeling slightly annoyed that he interrupted my thoughts.

"I need water, is that a crime?" He raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

He went to take a sip from Eloise's glass before accidentally knocking it over causing it to smash, waking up Eden abruptly.

"What happened?" She croaked out before she spotted the broken glass.

"I'm really sorry E" Hunter whispered trying not to wake anyone else up.

She realised the close proximity we were in and blushed a crimson red.

"It's alright, let me get a dustpan and brush" she softly smiled and rubbed her eyes before getting out of bed.

The lack of Eden's body warmth and contact immediately made me feel something, I don't know what.. but something.

After a minute or so she came back into her room and swept up the glass. "Only you could break a glass on carpet Hunter" she chuckled softly placing the different shapes and sizes of shards of glass into her bin that was by her desk.

She turned around to face him but he was out like a light. "oh, he falls asleep quickly" she slightly laughed as she scrambled back into the sheets.

"Yeah he does, whenever he sleeps over at my place he's always the first to get to sleep" I chuckled from beside her.

"That's probably because Alexander has got a sugar rush from all the sweets and chocolate right?" She giggled nestling down into bed.

"How long have you three been friends?" She asked, turning her body so she was facing me.

I laid down into the covers so our faces were close and immediately her warm breath fanned in my direction. "Since the first day of freshman year, I don't know how they've put up with me for so long" I stifled out a laugh as she softly smiled.

"Your not all that bad" she giggled and buried her head into her covers.

"I've done some things that are definitely questionable Edee" I grinned as her face met mine again.

"Like what?" She asked, her hazel eyes staring into my green ones.

"I've messed around with girls, not my best front" I awkwardly scratched my neck as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"But that's because it makes me feel good, knowing girls find me attractive and everything" i finalised, raking my hands through my hair.

"Do you not want a proper relationship? Like knowing that you have one special person you can always turn to?" She asked me softly, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"I have Alexander, Hunter, my mom, Max and Eloise and Amber. So I don't think I need anyone else" I said truthfully, observing her features.

She gently pulled up the covers so they were right above her chin. "Oh right"

"Why? Are you disappointed you don't get some of this?" I smirked gesturing down to my body. She rolled her eyes and smiled slightly at my comment but she didn't giggle like usual.

"What do you want Edee?" I asked her, cutting the silence.

She let out a soft sigh before speaking up. "I'd love a relationship where someone is so in love with you that they only have eyes for you. Id like someone who is your special person, they feel like they can go to you for help and you feel like you can go to them no matter what. A relationship that consists of trust and loyalty is really important to me. A relationship like the movies, you know? Like where i can dance in the rain with someone and in that moment it feels like it's only us two in the world"

"Nothing materialistic?" I asked quirking an eyebrow. "Charlotte was all about flowers and promise rings"

"Not really, I guess I just want to be loved" She softly smiled at me as she rubbed her eyes and yawned into the sheets.

"Goodnight Theo" she muttered closing her eyes.

"Goodnight Edee" I whispered back, my gaze still fixated on her.

It didn't take long for Eden to fall asleep and soon enough those cute little snuffles sounded from her nose.


I turned my head so I was looking up at the ceiling, my hand was placed behind my head and another on my chest.

Eden did get me thinking, I sleep with girls because it makes me feel good about myself. So why shouldn't I settle down with one girl that can actually make me feel loved and give me more than sex? Like coming over for dinner and making food with my mom or going on those dates to the cinema or whatever.

Christ Theo when did you get so soppy?

I looked back over to Eden who was still softly asleep and started to think about what she said she wanted.

I didn't expect anything different really, she is the type of girl that you easily can take a liking to once she breaks down her walls and doesn't get shy around you.

She is beautiful and she has one of the most genuine personalities out there, anyone would be lucky to have her.

But why do I get jealous when I think about her with someone that isn't me?

Authors note

Hi lovely's!

In this chapter we see Eden and Theo having a bit of a heart to heart, what do we think?

See you Monday :)

G x

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