Chapter thirty seven - Broken

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Please swipe across on the picture and click on the song, I recommend listening to it whilst reading this chapter! x

Eden's POV:

"You did so good today! The combo was tricky" Sophie laughed taking a swig of water from her bottle as she pushed the doors open with her other hand.

"You too, I need you to show me how to get flexible again. I can hardly touch my toes!"

I was talking to Sophie walking out of after school dance practice, we had been rehearsing our duet for the upcoming showcase.

"Girl same! My hamstrings always feel like they're going to snap" She exasperated grinning at me. "Is your boyfriend picking you up?" She asked me stopping at her locker.

"That he is" I said smiling at her.

It still didn't feel real, Theodore Taylor, my boyfriend. Blushing at the thought I smiled to myself, I was so lucky. I hit the jackpot.

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow bye Eden!" Sophie sent me a smile before running down the hallway and out the doors. I had stop at my locker to get some Physics textbooks to help Theo with our upcoming test. Walking to my locker I got up Theo's contact and texted him.

Theo <3
I'm just walking out of practice to my locker to get some textbooks, I'll be 2 minutes x

Shoving my phone in my backpack I reached my locker. I opened the door and saw myself in the little mirror I placed on the inside of the door. My face was bright red from pushing myself, my hair was in a low bun but wispy bits flew out everywhere. It looked untamed and like I'd been dragged through a bush backwards. My leggings were stuck to my legs with sweat but my T-shirt hung loosely around my body.Slamming my locker shut with a sigh I made my way out to where Theo always parks his car.

I walked up to it and went to open the passenger door, expecting him to be waiting in there for me but the door was locked. Curiosity taking over me I thought Theo was hiding from me, something he knows that I hate but it apparently brings out my giggle when he comes and surprises me.

The car park was near enough empty, I couldn't see him hiding anywhere so I called out his name. "Theo?"

"Theo this isn't funny, where are you?" I said with a giggle walking around to the other side of his car, still no response.

I went to get my phone out of my bag when I realised I left my water bottle in my locker.
"Ah crap" I muttered to myself and decided to walk back to get it. I hate the thought of having stale water in the morning with my bottle being left in my locker all night.

I walked through the doors and got to my locker, retrieving the bottle I dialled Theo's number to ask where he was. I heard the ringing from a few steps away, grinning to myself I wasn't going to let Theo sneak up on me again. So wanting to get my own back I snuck around the corner getting ready to run up to him.

I turned the corner with a big grin on my face but It quickly dropped.

I saw Theo and Charlotte kissing.

Theo pulled away and looked stunned, his gaze solely on Charlotte. I could hear my own heart crack.

It's happening again, I wasn't good enough for someone for a second time, so much so they had to sneak behind my back and pleasure themselves with someone else.

Feeling tears brimming in my eyes I dropped my bottle in shock. Theo's eyes snapped over in my direction to meet mine.

Nothing but guilt flooded his face. Meanwhile Charlotte was smirking with her arms crossed proudly across her chest. Theo practically sprinted towards me. "Eden, you need to believe me that was not what it looked like" Having a firm grip on my upper arm I pulled away.

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