Chapter thirty four - Perfect

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Theo's POV:

"So how was biology?" Eden asked from my car passenger seat as she fiddled with my fingers that were placed intricately in her lap. 

"It was not that bad Edee, how was your dance rehearsal?" I murmured back as my eyes stayed fixated on the road.

"It was okay, I can't wait for you to see the piece when it's finished" She said as she stifled out a small yawn.

"I can't wait to see it either baby" I softly spoke back. Stopping at a red light I took my hand and caressed the side of her face.

Eden's been practicing really hard for a upcoming dance show at school, she's always talking about it with so much passion. It's adorable.

She's adorable.

"Max isn't going to be happy with me" I grinned as I started the engine back up when the light turned green.

"Why?" Her soft little angelic voice filled the car as she turned to face me.

"I got there before he did" I smirked as she rolled her eyes and grinned at me.

"There's no way I'd get with your little brother" She retaliated gently and playfully slapping my hand away.

"Yeah, I sure hope you wouldn't" I teased as I pulled into my driveway.

Mom was ecstatic when I told her about me and Eden, Max on the other hand... not so much.

He threw a pillow at me and yelled 'life's not fair' before stomping up the stairs.

Getting out the car I opened up the back door of my car to get mine and Eden's bags, mom invited Eden over for dinner tonight and she was really excited.

She even asked Eden her favourite food so she could cook something that she'd enjoy, she never did that with Charlotte so Eden really must be doing something right.

Who am I kidding? She literally does nothing  wrong, she's the definition of perfect in my eyes.

Eden walked around the car to loop her arm into mine and burying her head into my side as we walked to the front door.

I looked down at her and smiled. Her messy hair was tied back into a low bun, her face was all red from her dance class and her leggings and T-shirt tightly clung to her petite body.

Unlocking the front door I guided Eden through and we took our shoes off.

"Mom won't be back for a while and Max is at basketball practice" I mumbled into her hair as I pulled her in for a hug.

She melted into me and tightly wrapped her arms around my body.

"What do you want to do Edee? We have the house to ourselves for a while" I said rummaging through the pantry to find Eden's favourite snacks I bought for her for when she came over.

"I kind need a shower before we do anything else" she softly laughed as she took out her hair and ruffled it out with her fingers.

"You can use mine, here, catch this" I threw a chocolate bar In her direction and she swiftly caught it smiling at me. "Thank you Theo"

We made our way upstairs, Eden showered and changed into some of my clothes which looked absolutely adorable on her.

"Here Edee, take these" I said handing her some of my clothes.

"What for? Im already wearing some" she sleepily mumbled rubbing her eyes and leaning into my chest.

I let out a chuckle and played with her hair. "You can keep them at your house, you can wear them when I'm not there and when I come over I can wear them, sound good?"

"Mhm" She mumbled into my chest.

She wasn't listening to a word I was saying, she's been exhausted recently and hasn't been sleeping well. Grinning to myself I fold up the clothes and place them by her bag so she wouldn't forget to take them home later.

I guided her to my bed and she sunk into the sheets, I climbed under the duvet and protectively wrapped my arms around her, kissing her cheek in the process.

We were intertwined under my bed sheets watching a random film when I heard the front door open from downstairs.

"Theo, Eden!" My mom shouted out to call us down stairs.

We both climbed out of bed and Eden went to turn my door handle to open the door when I stopped her by placing a hand around hers and gently pushing her against the wall.

I softly placed my lips on hers as one of my hands caressed her face and the other was placed firmly on her waist.

She tensed at first but eventually wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled into the kiss. Her vanilla scent radiated around me

I firmed my grip around her waist and let out a small groan, the things I would do to this girl.

Im 100% happy with where we're at now, I'm in no rush at all but I'd love to officially make her all mine.

I'm not planning on letting her go, ever.

Dinner went by really well, conversations weren't awkward at all and Eden seemed to feel comfortable and at ease.

Mom cooked chicken and rice with a tomato sauce which is Eden's second favourite thing I the world, me being the first... of course.

"So Theo how far have you two gone?" Max waggled his eyebrows and I grinned a cheesy grin.

I scoffed and threw my napkin at him which landed right on his face.

1 point: napkin - 0 points: annoying little asshole.

"Max!" My mom hissed from the other side of the dinner table.

Eden giggled from Infront of me and at that moment I wish time would've stopped.

She looked heart warningly perfect. Her damp hair was plaited into two Deutsch plaits which showed her perfectly defined face, my T-shirt that was too big on her loosely hung around her petite figure, her face without any makeup literally made my heart flutter. Don't get me started about her smile. It makes me melt into a pile of happiness.

I couldn't help but smile to myself, Eden makes me feel something nobody else has and I know for a fact nobody could make my heart flutter the same way she does.

I'm falling... and I'm falling hard.

Authors note

Little filler chapter here!

I love a good Theo POV, how about you?

What would you like to see more of?

See you Friday :)

G x

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