Chapter fourteen - Intrigued

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Theo's POV:

"You what?" Alexander spluttered out after I told them about what happened with Eden earlier today at school.

We were currently at my house, like normal.

"I don't know why I did it" I exasperated

"It just happened, I don't even remember trying to process doing it!"

"Well, did it feel right?" Hunter questioned.

"Apart from the fact that I did it in the first place without thinking and without a second thought. It felt comfortable yeah" I admitted.

"How did Eden take it?" Alexander said tearing his gaze away from his phone after sending a text message to Eloise.

"She went bright red" I chuckled.

"I can see you two together you know" Hunter smirked.

"I've said this before, I hardly know her. We hardly know her" I defended myself shrugging.

"But you feel comfortable enough around her to do what you did" Hunter smirked.

He had a point.

I don't know why I did it. Truthfully.

" I've never seen you defend yourself doing stuff with a girl. Theo this girl is doing something to you" Alexander smiled.

" She is not doing anything, not like that anyway" I muttered.

"I don't like her, you both know I don't"

Hunter grinned before opening his mouth. "Keep telling yourself that"

The doorbell rang and I sighed in relief.

"Saved by the bell lover boy"

"We will be talking about this later" Hunter continued before opening the door to greet Eloise and Amber.

"This is my house you know, stop opening the front door to anyone who rings the bell" I muttered.

Amber and Eloise stood there with massive grins on their faces.

"What have you done now" Hunter questioned Amber after pulling her into a hug.

"Eden told us about what happened in the hallway Theo, do you like her?" Amber grinned.

Great. Two more people know.

"She said you were attractive"

Eden thought I was attractive?

Every girl does Theo. Sort it out.

Eloise whacked Amber across the head.

"Shut up Amber, Eden told us to keep our mouths shut" Eloise hissed.

"Sorry" Amber muttered rubbing her head.

Hunter and Alexander grinned at me.

"Well we better go, come on then. Can't keep Theo waiting here any longer can we?" Hunter smirked.

"You can cut that out" I snapped.

I grabbed my keys and shut the door behind me after saying goodbye to the group.

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