Chapter twenty four - Meet My Friends

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Eden's POV:

"Mum, these are my friends" I gestured over to the 5 people stood outside my front door with a big smile.

Theodore has been the only person over to my house out of everyone, so mum suggested I show them all around whilst dinner is cooking.

I gave them all a tour of the house which didn't take long considering we didn't live in a mansion like literally every other family in every American cliche movie on Netflix.

Alexander was asking questions about each and every picture that was placed intricately on the wall.

"What about that one?" Alexander asked tapping his chin playfully and popping his hip out, inspecting all the details of the photograph.

He was taking about the framed memory of me and my grandparents in their back garden back in England. I had my arms wrapped around each of their necks and i was grinning at the camera.

My grandparents garden was so beautiful in the summer with all of the flowers and the butterflies that swarmed around the different coloured petals as well as the buzzy bees that perched on the plants sucking out all of the pollen.

"That was on my eleventh birthday, it was before I got braces, as you can tell" I said gesturing to the whopping gap in my teeth.

"You were a brace face?" Hunter smirked.

"Indeed I was" I giggled taking my phone in my hand and showing them a picture of me when I had braces.

"That my dear Eden is amazing, look at you" Hunter grinned taking a picture of the photo that was displayed on my phone screen.

"Hey!" I snapped. "I did not say you could do that" I laughed as we walked up the stairs, shoving my phone in my dress pocket.

Yes, my dress had pockets!

"Might come in handy one day" Alexander teased. "Hunter, send that to me" He said slapping Hunters back as we got to my room.

"I'll put it on the group chat for everyone's entertainment" Hunter chuckled.

"You have such a big bed" Amber giggled as she bellyflopped onto the soft sheets.

Alexander managed to get into the drawer of food I kept by my bed, safe to say he was enjoying himself.

Hunter and Amber were looking through all of my old pictures from England and Theo was sat by my desk on his phone, as always.

"Eden come help set the table!" Mum yelled from downstairs.

"Coming mum!" I yelled back hoping off my bed and trudging my way down the stairs.

I set up the table with enough placemats and knives and forks for everyone before calling my friends down for dinner.

"This smells delicious, Mr and Mrs Sumners." Eloise kindly smiled as she took a seat opposite me.

"Please, call me Arabella and my husband Oliver" my mum smiled back as she placed a plate Infront of her.

"Like Oliver Twist?" Alexander cluelessly asked.

Eloise kicked him under the table and I did my best to contain a snort by slapping my hand over my mouth.

"Yes, just like him" My dad laughed before placing a salad bowl in the centre of the table.

"He's always begging for more, just like the boy in the movie" Mum winked at my friends and I buried my head in my hands.

"Mum!" I exclaimed now feeling rather embarrassed whilst everyone else was laughing their asses off.

Good to know that my friends don't think my parents are total nut cases.

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