Chapter thirty five - The Funfair

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Please read the authors note at the end of the chapter x

Theo's POV:

Eden smiled as she pushed open her classroom door. "Thank you Mrs Emilise"

She was clutching her folder in her arms as she started to walk towards me. "Hey gorgeous" I mumbled into her neck as I placed a soft kiss on her skin.

"Hey Theo" She mumbled back planting a kiss on my lips, "You don't always have to wait for me you know"

I took her folder from her hands and quirked an eyebrow. "Did your English teacher give you those notes you needed Edee?" I asked her as she linked her arm with mine.

She softly smiled at me and tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear. "Yep, all sorted"

It was the end of the last period of the day and everyone had agreed to go to the fun fair that comes into town once or twice every year.

Amber and Eloise left Eden's English class early, it was something to do with them being on the student year book team or some schooly business, so we all agreed to meet at the fair just after half three.

"Did you bring a jumper with you?" I asked her quirking an eyebrow. Eden looked good, great even. But what she was wearing wasn't exactly the most ideal for staying out later on tonight.

 But what she was wearing wasn't exactly the most ideal for staying out later on tonight

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She sheepishly smiled at me before shaking her head, "I forgot"

"You're lucky I always carry around a spare jumper aren't you?" I teased her as she opened the passenger door and clambered into the seat.

"Yes" she mumbled buckling herself in safely as I did the same.

The drive to the fair was short, the traffic wasn't too bad so we got there earlier than expected.

It was only 3:10, we still had 20 minutes before the others were due to arrive. "Theo" Eden's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Oh, uh - yeah baby?" I muttered as I brushed some hair out of her face.

"Can we?" She asked with the most adorable puppy eyes ever. I simply couldn't say no.

"Can we what Edee?" I asked as I chucked our bags into the boot of my car. "Can we go to that photo booth?"

I chuckled as I handed her my jumper." Of course we can"

She let out a squeal of excitement before dragging me over to where the booth was situated. She climbed in and I followed her in before closing the curtain.

She tapped on the screen and chose the x2 strip option before inserting some money.

"Welcome! Get ready to take 4 fantastic pictures! What filter would you like: normal, black and white or rustic?" The voice from behind the screen rung out that made me jump ever so slightly.

Eden giggled before asking me what option I wanted, "what one do you wanna pick Theo?" She mumbled as she dreamily looked into my eyes.

I had to bite my lip to stop me from crashing my lips onto hers. "It's up to you Edee"

"This one" she smiled tapping the normal filter before grabbing one of my hands.

Ready? 4..3..2..1.. go!

The voice once again rung out and a flash appeared Infront of us.

In the first picture was smiling and so was Eden, she had her head tilted on my shoulder.

Ready? 4..3..2..1.. go!

This time me and Eden both stuck our tongues out.

Ready? 4..3..2..1.. go!

On the third picture I quickly pecked Eden's cheek causing her to blush and laugh. Her nose was crinkled up and her perfect white teeth were shining in all of their glory.

Ready? 4..3..2..1.. go!

On the last picture I took my hand and placed it on Eden's cheek before gently kissing her lips.

Please take your photos - thank you!

We clambered out of the machine and grabbed our pictures. "One for me and one for you" Eden gracefully smiled as she placed a copy in my hand.

"Edennn!" Alexander's voice bellowed from behind us.

"Hey Alex" she giggled as he pulled her in for a bear hug.

"How was your school meeting?" Eden asked Amber and Eloise as she made her way over to the girls whilst I walked to the boys.

"Theo man, you're whipped" Alexander grinned from beside me as he motioned down to the pictures in my hands.

"And you're not? You kiss Eloises ass all the time" Hunter said as he rolled his eyes which caused me to snort.

"We brought alcohol" Hunter grinned as he showed me the inside of his bag. "Do you want one?" he asked referring to the large case of beer.

I nodded and grabbed one for me and one for Eden before handing it to her.

"No thanks" she shyly smiled as she scuffed her shoes from next time.

"Live a little Eden" Alexander grinned as he placed a kiss into Eloises head.

"Don't let them pressure you Edee" I mumbled into her neck as I stepped closer to her. She softly smiled at me and buried her head into my side.

We've been at the fair for a while now. Alexander has been on basically every single ride at the place and has eaten from all of the food stalls. Classic Alexander.

Me, Alex and Hunter didn't drink much because we were designated drivers. Eden didn't drink anything but I didn't blame her, beer was disgusting.

The other girls on the other hand...

Amber was gone. There's lightweights, then theres Amber.

"I better get this one home" Hunter laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Eden. Don't forget why we went emergency shopping the other day" Amber swayed from side to side as she hiccuped and nearly stumbled back.

Eden blushed a crimson red but Hunter and Alexander sent me a smirk.

I raised my eyebrows at her but she just blushed even harder and looked away.

Did I do something wrong?

I looked back up at Alexander and Hunter as they both rolled there eyes as if to say "duh, think you idiot"

Emergency shopping trip? What on earth could be so embarrassing about an emergency shopping trip? What did she buy? Was it-

That's when it hit.

Emergency shopping trip, no parents, house to ourselves.

My breath caught in my throat and shoulders tensed.


Authors note

Next chapter is a big one.

It does contain some slight sexual scenes, so I will be uploading two chapters on Monday so for the people who don't feel comfortable reading it can skip right onto the next chapter!

See you Monday :)

G x

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