Chapter nine - Charlotte

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Eden's POV:

"So that's it, you just need to divide the power by the force. Then you'll get your answer" I told Theodore who was groaning with Boredom.

"Right, so the answer is 52 over 450" he questioned rubbing his temples in frustration.

"Nearly, so close" I took his rubber from the desk, accidentally brushing his hand.

I could feel my face heating up from the warmth of contact.

"Oh I'm sorry" I quickly mumbled before placing my hand in my lap.

"It's alright, where did I go wrong? I just want to get this over with, I'm expecting someone. You need to go home" Theodore sighed.

"Um I'm sorry, we can do this on Wednesday if you want. I should go" I frantically started putting my books in my bag.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow" he mumbled before glancing at his phone.

"Uh.. yeah, okay" I went to walk down the stairs when I recognised a girl from school.

"Theo baby" She cooed waltzing her way up the stairs.

She looked at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"Who's this Theo" She snarled.

"She's just my tutor, she's a nobody" He replied whilst brushing his hair out of his face.

A nobody?

The tears started to brim in my eyes.

I'm so sensitive. It can get really frustrating at times.

I turned to look at Theodore, did he really just say I was a nobody?


He almost had a look of guilt wash over his face, he went to open his mouth to say something before he was cut off.

"I'm Charlotte, Theo's ex, But we still enjoy each others company don't we babe" She spoke out looking me up and down.

"Uh yeah sure" he mumbled tearing his gaze away from me turning to Charlotte.

She was perfect, everything that I'm not.

"Well what's your name. Nobody?" She smirked.

"Eden" I bluntly replied.

"You're that new British girl aren't you" She spat out.

"That's me" I replied with a fake smile.

"Well Eden, what are you doing in my Theo's house?" Smirking and twirling her hair around her finger.

"I was just leaving actually" I hurried past the both of them and made my way downstairs.

"Eden wait" Theo called after me.

"What?" I wiped a tear quickly away from my cheek before Theodore could notice.

His signature smirk dropped from his face. "Why are you crying?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"It doesn't matter, like you said I really should be off" I tried my best to plaster a smile on my face.


He sighed as he rubbed his temples.

My heart fluttered at the nickname, I hadn't felt affection like this since my ex boyfriend left.

If you couldn't tell i am SO deprived off affection, I get the butterflies from a boy i met 3 days ago who had given me a nickname.


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