Chapter six - Tension

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Eden's POV:

Ah, about that. I'm guessing he's been told.

"I don't know, Mrs. Westfield just asked me too" I replied, my voice cracking slightly.

You could cut the tension with a knife, preferably not scissors as Amber would take them to cut Luca's dick off.

"I don't know about you but I'm tired" Hunter yawned unwrapping himself from Amber.

"Me too, let's head home?" Alexander added scrambling off the grass.

Alexander and Eloise were talking, as well as Hunter and Amber as I was texting my mum telling her I was coming home when a familiar scent engulfed my scenes.

"Little miss Britain" Theodore said tapping my shoulder with a chick clinging into his arm.

"Mhm?" I said trying to avoid eye contact.

"I'll say this once, I don't need a tutor okay?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yeah he doesn't need a tutor you slut, pfft who am I kidding. Theodore would never even think about going for someone like you. You're not good enough" she scoffed.

He looked over at the girl before turning to face me, I couldn't quite tell what his emotion was but his eyes diverted down to my chest before smirking and walking off to a bedroom with the blonde girl.

"Ignore her" Alexander sent me a sympathetic smile. "And him for that matter, I don't know what's gotten into him tonight, he's cold with most people, but you just don't seem like the type he'd do that too"

"It's okay"

"Right well me and Hunter are taking the girls home, do you want a lift?" Alexander said swinging his keys around his finger. They definitely weren't drunk, if they were they sobered up on water.

"Oh, no I'm okay, I think I'll walk"

"Are you sure? It's really not a problem" Hunter added.

"I'm sure" I responded to them both. I vaguely new the way home, I think.

"Okay well we'll see you on Monday. Later Eden" Alexander and Hunter waltzed out the house leaving me with Amber and Eloise.

"It was so nice getting to know you E, see you on Monday yeah?" Amber said pulling me and Eloise into a hug.

"It was nice being with you, thank you" I smiled at them both.

"By E, text us okay?" Eloise smiled as she took Ambers hand in hers to catch up with the boys.

I walked out the front door and started my journey home. I took a few wrong turns here and there but I made it back in one piece.

I texted Amber and Eloise to let them know I got home safely and they did the same thing.

I changed into some pyjamas after washing my face and taking my makeup off. Climbing into my bed and snuggling up to the duvet I sighed in content as I fluttered my eyes shut.

Why did Theodore have such a hatred towards me tutoring him? I wasn't disappointed that he didn't want me to, it meant I could spend more time at home or out in the park reading a book.

He was insanely good looking and he pulled off the whole badass thing really well, I just don't get what I'd done to make him turn up his nose at me.

My thoughts slowly fuzzled as I felt myself drifting into a deep sleep.

Theodores POV:

"I'll see you later babe" The chick I was just with said as she stood by the door tugging her dress up.

"Yeah whatever" I told her back as I did my shoe laces up.

I checked the time on my phone to see a notification from Alexander and Hunter saying they dropped off Eloise and Amber home and Eden walked back to her place.

"Why did Eden walk home?". I texted back to the group chat.

"Idk man she said she was fine walking and she knew her way home, we all happily offered to take her back. She seemed okay, she wasn't drunk"

I chucked my phone on the bed I was sat on and ruffled my hands through my hair. I don't know why I was such an asshole to Eden, I didn't know the girl but she definitely didn't deserve me spitting at her about saying how pathetic the idea was, It wasn't even her decision.

Groaning I got up from the bed and walked out the door and down the stairs into the living room. In there was Tyler, the host of the party and a few more of my classmates.

"Hey Theo bro" Tyler pulled me into a hug.

"Hey man" I nodded my head before starting to walk away until Tyler spoke up.

"That new girl, the British one with the purple dress" He nervously scratched his neck. "Your not seeing her are you?"

I shook my head.

"Phew. I was going to ask her for her number but i didn't want to interrupt anything between you two" he grinned at me.

"I don't have it, you'll have to ask Eloise or Amber" I said before pacing out the house.

I started the walk home when I noticed a very familiar figure ahead of me.


Fucking hell she must walk really slowly. She left a good 45 minutes before me.

She had her arms wrapped around her waist to keep warm and she was walking quickly so she could get home out the cool breeze.

She turned into a house before taking a key out of a plant pot and gently putting it in the key hole to open the door before softly shutting it behind her.

I was glad she got home safe.

She was dainty and small, she couldn't protect herself if some creep came up to her and took advantage of her.

Wait, why did I feel relieved when I knew she was home without getting hurt?

I hardly knew the girl.

"For fuck sake" I mumbled dragging my hands down my face as I started to walk down the street to my house a few blocks away.

Authors note

A double POV in this chapter!

What do you think?

See you Friday

G x

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