Chapter thirty - Confessions And Kisses

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Theo's POV:

"Mom we're home!" I yelled as I threw my car keys down onto the side cabinet that was near the front door.

"Eden honey!" My mom exclaimed grinning from ear to ear. She placed down the knife she was using to cut some vegetables and scurried over to give Eden a hug.

I groaned and playfully rolled my eyes. "Nice to see you to mom"

"I see you everyday" Mom scoffed before letting go of Eden, "I hardly get to see this one"

Eden softly smiled at her before slipping off her shoes and taking her jacket off. "Can we study upstairs like normal?" I asked her taking my own shoes off.

"Yeah wherever you'd like" Shyly smiling at me she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Eden's been quiet since we got in my car and I don't even know what's happened or what I may have done to make her so upset.

"What's wrong Edee? Seriously you can talk to
me" I said softly as she took a seat next to me by my desk.

Getting out her books she sighed before running her hand through her hair, "it doesn't matter, I don't think you'd understand"

"What's that supposed to mean Eden?" I asked slightly taken back at her remark.

"You're the guy every girl goes for, you don't know what rejection is" She lightly laughed but didn't make eye contact with me, not once.

"You asked someone out?" I questioned feeling slightly disheartened that Eden doesn't feel the same way as I do.

"Not really, I like someone but they're not interested" She muttered underneath her breath as she neatly set out her pencil case and calculator out infront of her.

"Who?" I bluntly asked as soon as she confessed. I wanted to know who this dip shit was.

"You" She mumbled still looking down into her lap.

Her hand clapped over mouth as he eyes went wide. "Did I really just say that out loud?"

She started to figit in her seat and pick her nails, "But you like that other girl right? So it doesn't matter" She weakly laughed out as she avoided my gaze. "I'm sorry I should go"

My jaw dropped to the floor, the feeling was mutual?

Normally I wouldn't be surprised if a girl liked me, that sounds so shitty I know... But Eden was truly something else.

"I was joking Eden! It was a joke." I spluttered out, still trying to process that she felt the same way.

"What do you mean It was a joke? I'm confused" she furrowed her eyebrows and continued to pick at her nails lowering her head down.

"I like you Eden not that other girl I said earlier. I just wanted to mess with you but i didn't realise how wrong what I was saying was because I didn't realise how much I actually liked you"

Eden's head snapped up to look at me, her mouth was slightly open but no sound managed to escape her lips. "You like me too?" She asked back almost star struck.

"Of course I do Eden, how can i not?" I mumbled stepping closer to her. "You're so incredibly beautiful"

I looked into her big and beautiful hazel eyes for what felt like an eternity, I flickered down my gaze to her lips and felt my heart flutter.

I've nearly kissed her twice now, but both times we've been interrupted.

Also, both times  I didn't know how I properly felt about her and I didn't know how she felt about me, But now I do.

Screw it.

I took a step closer and grazed one of my hands on her left cheek before placing it around the back of her head and the other around her waist.

I gently kissed her lips and holy shit, why did I wait so long?

It felt like it was just us in the world, it felt like time stopped.

Her lips were soft and the kiss was short but sweet.

I pulled away before confessing,  "I've been waiting ages to do that"

Eden's mouth was completely agape and my heart sunk to the bottom of my chest "I'm really sorry Eden I shouldn't have done that" I muttered taking a step back and rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment.

Eden didn't say anything else but she moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck before gently kissing me. 

I encircled my hands back around her waist before returning the kiss with more passion and butterflies erupted inside of me as soon as our lips had connected.

She gently tangled her fingers up in my hair as I pulled her closer. This feeling was euphoric.

She gently tore her lips away from mine but kept her arms around me and softly smiled.

"I've been waiting ages to do that too"

Authors note

Ahhhh here we have the first kiss!

It's all starting to fall into place now!

See you Wednesday :)

G x

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