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We get back to the house. Kylie was looking at something in her hand. I got out of the truck and took Kylie put of her carseat. She showed me what she was looking at.

It was the necklace that he wore all the time. I hate this so much.

"Daddy give that to you" I asked

"Mmhmm" she said

"You know daddy and I will always love you... ok?" I said

She nodded her head.

"Come here..." I said and picked her up.

She held on tight to that necklace. We went into the house. Zane was on the couch watching TV. I have him some sort of a smile. I walked up stairs with Kylie and went into her room.

"You know... I love your dad... I really do but it's something I had to do... I'm sorry you have to grow up like this"

"Don't cry mommy... please don't cry"

"One day you'll understand... you want to take a drive with Zane"

Immediately a smile was plastered on her face. I put the necklace on her. She took back downstairs. I walk downstairs and she's sitting on Zane's lap.

"Where we going" I asked



"Going to New Mexico for the holidays..."

"Uh... who told you"

"Luke... look Jade I think this is a great idea... I mean after this... maybe this is what you need... get away and spend time with family" Zane said

"Oh... can your ride fit everything" I said referring to the presents under the tree

"Were taking your ride... and I'll buy the fuel"

"Alright... come on Kylie"

*Hours Later*

We are hitting the road. Zane is driving and Kylie is in the back watching movies. We had to put on my Capri camper. We stuffed put luggage and presents in there.

"Where should we rest" Zane asked

"Well... while you were packing... I made reservations  for a hotel in Albuquerque"

"Alright... Albuquerque it is"


We pull up to Holiday Inn Express. I checked in, while Zane stayed in the truck with Kylie. Kylie was out like a light. I paid for the room and went back outside. Zane parked the truck and grabbed Kylie. While I unlock the camper to grab the luggage. Zane has Kylie in one hand and his bag in the other.

"You got it" I asked


We into the room and I put my stuff on one of the beds. I changed Kylie into her pajamas and I changed into mine as well. Zane was already laying in bed. I laid down next Kylie.

"Have you thought about what your family is gonna say" Zane asked

"Not exactly... LJ was like a son to my dad... anything he needed, my dad was there.. like he is for me"

I took a glimpse at my wedding finger, and the engraved writing was still printed. Thats one empty hand.

"Wow... I'm sure it'll be ok" Zane said

"I sure hope so...night Zane" I said and rolled on my side

*Zane's POV*

"Good night Jade" I whispered

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