Random Filler

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I saw Luke at the door. We quickly ran to him.

"Luke.. take Kylie in... I need to run back to the truck" I said

Luke and Kylie grabbed hands and walked in. I quickly answered it. "Breathe Jade... breathe"


"What the hell are you telling Kylie!"

"Oh... I thought you were gonna say you miss me... and you still love me... dam... couldve made my night... well I told her why we split... and why it didn't work out... and she's been telling me your promises and what you've been telling her... and all them girls that show up at your place... when are you gonna grow a pair and step up LARRY!"

"Cut the bullshyt Jade... tell me what you told her"

"The truth!.."

"Tell me JADE!"

"I swear I did not say a f***in' word! It's all you Larry... whatever you promised her...you broke it... let me ask you this...why was she crying the night she called me"

"She misses you!"

"Funny you say that... because when she calls me she's not crying nor begging me to come get her... tell me what the hell did you say or do"

"I called her a spoiled brat and yelled at her"


"Me? Your the one who is treating her like an adult"

"I do not... what did she do"

"Washed dishes... cleaned... rode horses... fed and watered the livestock EVERY morning and evening ... and talks back"

"In case you forgot... I'm the only one who is taking care of her... and I had to do those things while she was growing up Larry... she picked it up herself... she wanted to help with all those things... I didn't push her into anything... and as for the talking back... well that's one thing I would never teach her... Kylie loves you Larry... she told me while we were on our way back to Durant"

"I gotta go"


We hung up. The hell was that? Oh well, it's done and over with. I'm gonna go cheer on my man!


We all want what we ain't got
Our favorite doors are always locked
On a higher hill with a tower top
We all want what we ain't got

I sat in Kylie's room. I miss her now. I miss her smile, her laugh and our father and daughter moments. I've screwed things up.

We happy with where we are
There's greener grass in the neighbors yard
A bigger house and faster car
We ain't happy where we are

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