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"Kylie!" I shouted

I'm running around the ranch. Looking for her. Where did she go. I looked by the pens but nothing. I looked out in the pasture and nothing. Then I thought calves. The barn, she has to be at the barn.

I open the main door and I see the horses sticking their head out.

"Kylie... I'm sorry I didn't mean it" I said

I hear crying coming from one of the stables. I searched and she was in Bloomer ' s stall. He stood in front the gate, not moving one bit. He followed my every move.

"Come back whenever your ready" I said

I left her alone. I walked towards the house. I hate what I have done. My life was so perfect and then it went to shyt! I sat outside on the bench. Arena comes walking out.

"You ok?" She asked

"Can you... can you just go back in the house... I need to be alone.. and let me cool down"

"LJ sh-"

"Arena... go.. please"

She got up and walked back into the house. I sat outside starring out in the pasture. My vision started to get blurry and every time I blink, tears will fall.

All evening I sat outside waiting for Kylie. But she hasn't come back out. I'm gettin worried. I look out in the pasture again, I see a horse and small person riding. Are you kidding me?

My kid took off riding without telling me. How did she get on in the first place? The horse she was riding was Bloomer. I don't know what it is with her and animals. Every time she approaches, they are so gentle with her. Like what happened earlier, how she calmed down Maximus. Thats strange right there.

I walk back to the barn. I see her take Bloomer back in his stall. He put his head down so she can take the halter off. Smart horse, I say. She walked back into the stall.

"Kylie I'm sorry" I said

She didn't say anything. She was starring at something on the wall. She traced the writing. It says "Jay Bear Luvs Larry".

"Kylie" I said softly

"Dad just go..."

"I cant Kylie... I've lost your mom and I'm not losing you"

"Why dad... you lied"

"Kylie I had to... I tried to figure how I should tell you"

"I want mom" she said

"I don't know where your mom is at..."

I opened the stall and walked in. She sat against the wall. Tears running down her pink cheeks. I pulled onto my lap. She wept against my chest.

"I want mom.... I miss mom... please... I want mom" Kylie cried

"I miss her too Ky... I really do..."

"No you dont... you don't love us"

"Kylie what are you talking about"

"You said you will always love us and only us... just call mom please... I want mom... I don't want to be here... I want mom... uncle Luke... Kaleb"

"I'll call her"

Honestly when she said she misses Kaleb, that kinda hurt. Kylie is smart, and yes she has her mom's personality. I pulled out my phone and called Jade.

*Jade's POV* (Durant, OK)

I was sitting down having dinner with the crew. I got a phone call from Larry. I answered it.

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