Not Ready?

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"You're what?" He questioned

"I'm pregnant... you're the father..."

"Are you sure?"

"Larry.. I'm gonna slap you..."

"Ok... mood swings are there... now what"

"Well... I'm heading to the clinic right now... and I don't know if you want to see if I'm really positive"

"Ok... let's go"

I got up and we locked hands. He lead Spanky (aunt Karen ' s) back to the barn. I went back into the house to grab my stuff and the truck keys. Then Luke came into the room.

"Congrats..." he said


"Baby... and Larry"

"Thank... you..."

"When you gonna find out"

"After he gets done unsa-"

"OH MY GOD!! MOMMY" Kylie shouted

I went around the corner of the house and she ran towards with a ear to ear smile on her face. She towards me and hugged me.


"I'm gonna be a big sister" she said

"Oh... yeah... daddy and I will be going to the hospital to make sure.. ok?"


Larry unsaddled Spanky and grabbed the truck keys. We are headin to the hospital to make sure. Larry and I held hands on the way over.

Few minutes later we pulled up to the hospital and I check in. We both took a seat in the waiting room. Right as I stepped into the exam room, more vomit started to build. I ran to the trash can and vomit. But it wasn't as bad as this morning. Ugh, I hate this feeling. I quickly rinsed my mouth before the doctor came in.

"You alright hun" Larry reassured

"Yeah... I wasnt even this bad with Kylie... "

Then a knock came to the door. It was a woman with long black hair and her eyes were Carmel color. She looked so familair, where did I see her?

"Good afternoon.... I'm Dr Adams... what brings you in today" she said

"Well... I took two tests... it came up with two different results... one negative and the other positive.. "


She stuck something up my *ahem* and popped up the screen. We see a little pebble flickering, yep that's a heart beat. A smile appeared on my face, aww, I'm gonna be a mommy again.

"There is your baby... you're about three or four weeks... do you live in Sheridan" She said

"No... we're just visiting family..."

"Ok... well when you get back home, make sure you schedule an appointment as soon as possible"

"Ok... can we get a picture"


She printed out the picture and gave it to us. We walked out of the exam room and headed back to the ranch. But first I an starving.

"Were gonna be a family again" I said

"Yeah..." LJ said

I looked at him with concern. I thought he'd be happy with what has happened. I don't get it, I let him back in my life and now we're gonna be a family again. I don't know what he wants, I'm giving him this chance to make things right. I released my hand his. Great, now he's regretting this whole thing.

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