Don't Care

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*Kaleb's POV*

"Kylie stay here... let me go check on your mom" I said

Kylie stayed with her grandparents, while I walked outside. It's crowed outside. I looked for Jade but nowhere insight. I see Luke and Jesse holding LJ back. But where did she go?

"Jesse where's Jade" I asked

"I don't know... she walked away somewhere"

"Which way"

He showed me the direction. I'm running down the street looking for her. I see her walking into an ice cream store. I went in after her. I stood at the door waiting  for her to complete her order. Then she went to register.

"I got it... and I'll have a rocky road" I said

Jade looked at me and smiled. I paid for our ice creams and walked out. We took a stroll downtown Oklahoma City. We came across a park and we sat down on a bench.

"Sorry it didn't go as I planned" I said

"Dont worry about it babe... it's over with" Jade said

"I'll make it up"

"Kaleb... it's fine really... you didn't do anything wrong.. I still have... three hours left of my birthday.."

"Let's enjoy the remaining three hours... haha"

*Luke's POV*

I'm looking at them, back and forth. I'm trying to believe this. The woman that I loved, that had my kid, that I asked to marry me is screwing my little sister's ex husband! What the shyt!!

She wasn't walking alone, she was with another guy. She happen to be wearing a ring on that left hand of hers.

"Arena" LJ said

Tehe! Arena? Good thing Jade didn't name Kylie that.

"What are you doing here" LJ asked her

"I was... uh.. having dinner"

Oh I know that look. I know that look all to well. I can see she hasn't changed one bit. Still running around with every guy.

"Luke... we meet again" she said


"Wheres that big mouth sister of yours"

"Get the f**k out of here Lexcy" I said

She smiled at me. This b!tch! Jesse just randomly smiled. He was talking to Justin.

"Hey Samantha... are we still on for tonight" Justin told her

I couldn't help but laugh right now. Lexcy gave me this mean look. And then I look at LJ and hes so out of it he doesn't even know what's going on. Once he calmed down I let him go.

"Right now baby" Lexcy told Justin

"Nah.. I'm good... I don't role with prositutes" Justin turned her down

I put my hand over my mouth, tryin to hold back my laughter.

"Alright Justin... that's enough" I said

"What? I'm just having fun... I like my women fresh!"

"Justin you ass! Shut.. hahaha.. up" Jesse said

"It's true" Justin said

Lexcy was backing off slowly. I don't know what LJ did but she kneed him. I must say I have to applause to her. He honestly deserve that.

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