Off The Record

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*Jade's POV*

I was getting dressed for the day. Kylie was all set to go. Luke is back in Phoenix with Shay. I can not wait to see them for Christmas and New Years.

After I got dressed, I went outside to start the car. Then went back in to start breakfast. Kylie was slowly making her way down the stairs. She used the rail for guidance. My wittle cowgirl is growing to fast. By the time she reached the bottom, I grabbed her hand.

"You hungry baby girl" I asked

"Yes mommy..."

"What do you wanna eat"

"Panacakes and ceral"

"How about panacakes, eggs, and ceral"

"Yeah" she cheered

I walked over to the cabinet and pull out the panacake mix. Kylie comes over and pulls up a chair. She stands on it and turns the water on. She grabs a cup of water and hands it to me.

"Plain or chocolate chip" I asked

"Chocolate chip" she said

Kylie and I ate breakfast. I was catching up on my cosmopolitan. Ha! Then all of sudden a knock comes from the door.

"Finish your food" I said and got up

I walk to the front and peeped through the small window on the door. The guy had his back towards me. I opened the door and he turns around.

"Zane?" I questioned

"Hey Jade"

"Uh...wha- what are you doing here" I asked

"I wanted to know if you and Kylie wanted to join me for a road trip"

"How did you know where I live... guess we can.. after my errands"

"Luke... ok...I can come back later... or let me know when you guys are ready"

"Sure... you hungry"

"Yeah... thanks"

I welcomed him in. We walk into the house, and into the kitchen. I look at Kylie and she has the biggest smile on her face. She hopped off her chair and ran to Zane. Zane picked her up and she hugged him.

"Hey there miss Kylie" Zane said

"Hi Zane" Kylie said

We all sat down and ate. I don't know if I should tell Zane where I'm heading. I hate to tell him to leave. Why is everything a bad timing in my life.

"Zane... can I talk to you for a second" I asked


"Will be back baby girl... I just have to talk to Zane.. ok"

"Ok mommy"

Zane and I get up, and walk back out the door. I closed it and we sat on the swinging bench on my porch.

"Zane... I... I'm going to court... for finalizing my divorce... I don't know if you wanna stay here and wait till we get back or go"

"Does it matter"

"No... it's just I don't want any more problems... than what it is already... I know I have to take Kylie... because I'm sure her dad would like to see her"

"Oh... I can wait here at the house for you guys... good luck in court"

"Ok.. thanks"

I walked back inside and grabbed what I needed. I walk back out with Kylie. She waved at Zane and smiled, I did as well. Kylie and I are headed to the court house.

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