Can't Handle It

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"You think you had it worse" LJ said

"I don't think... I know... please just go" I said

"I don't wanna go"


"This is crazy Jade..."

"Every time I look at you... I still see the same LJ... the memories are still there.. it won't go away" I said

"I'm not that guy... you know me better than that"

"I dont... sad to say... let me go.."

I pushed him away, and I walked towards the door. But he slammed it shut. I Turn towards him and his lips lands on mine. I pushed him away.

"Don't... please... we're done Larry"

He lifted my left hand.

"You think this is gonna keep me from loving you"

"No... but it does show that I am over you..."

I got in the truck and left. God, this is exactly what I was afraid. Him trying to get me back. I love Kaleb, I want Kaleb. All I thought about was Kaleb on the way back to the room. Luke and Kylie were sleeping, heck I'm tired myself. I need to tell Kaleb.

We pull up to the hotel.

"Luke can you take Kylie in.. I need to make a call"

He got off and carried Kylie back. I grabbed my phone and I dialed Kaleb's number.

"Hey babe" he said

"I'm so sorry for what I'm about to tell you"

"What... tell me"

"Kylie's father kissed me.. but I pushed him away and I didn't want it... I need you..."

"woah... woah... babe calm down... breathe.. I'm not mad or anything... I'm concerned about you... I'm here for you... tell me how it happened"

I told him what happened.

"Ugh I hate this so much.... I thought I can handle it but I can't"

"Hey... Jade... listen to me"


"You can babe... now open the door"


Then the truck door opened. Kaleb is standing there, smiling. I jumped out and hugged him. I looked up at him, and he wiped every tear that fell. He lifted me up and I covered him in kisses. I can't believe he's here.

"When did you get in" I asked

"Just now... I couldn't handle not seeing my beautiful any longer" he said

"Baby I've missed you so much"

"I did too hun.. now what"

"Head to the room... I'm tired hun"

"Well let me carry you to your chamber... hahaha... I love you baby"

"I love you too"

I leaned my head against his chest, and I can here his heartbeat. I slowly started drifting off to sleep. Before I was in deep sleep, I told him the room number and gave him the room key. Then it was lights out for me!

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