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Kylie and I were walking back to the trailer. And all I can think about is marriage. Kylie is actually ok with me gettin married to Kaleb. Thats a major step, but when will it happen?

Kylie ran and jumper on Kaleb's back. They are both laughing. Kylie smiles at me. Wouldn't mind seeing this for the rest of my life.

"Alright ladies... what's for breakfast" Kaleb asked

"Kylie" I said

"I don't know... what's good here"

"Let's go for a drive" Kaleb said

We all got in the truck and drove around. Then we landed on IHOP. Kylie is a sucker for waffles, french toast, and panacakes. Girl will eat it anytime of the day. But I don't blame her, they are addicting.

"When you heading out" I asked

"Tonight... after I rope" Kaleb said


"Well I can switch spots with someone... I can if you wa-"

"It's ok Kaleb... I gotta rope tomorrow night as well... I made the short go at OKC... it's not the first time were without one another"

"Yeah.. but this is longest we ever been with one another... hate for it to end so quick"

"Kaleb it's fine... really... it's just I got lost track of time that's all"

We sat their eating our meals. As much as I love the sport of rodeo, I'm thinkin of taking some time off. After the season though. Kylie is getting older and she has to be in school. She's home school now, but I want to enroll her into a real school. Where she can meet new friends and enjoy life as a kid. The thing is, how am I gonna break it to Kaleb. Because knowing him, he's gonna start blaming himself for the decision I made. When he didn't do anything, I just think it's time to settle down. I had my share of fun.

We left the restaurant and headed back to the arena. On the way back, I stare at my wrists and I see the scar. I sensed Kaleb taking a glimpse at my wrist. I pull my sleeves down and look out the window. Then we pull up to the trailer.

"Kylie... you mind if I talk to your mom... alone" Kaleb said

"Sure" Kylie said and got out

Oh boy! I'm not liking where this is going. Kylie closes the door and goes back into the trailer.

"What's wrong babe" Kaleb asked

"Nothing... really.. some stuff I've been thinking about.. nothing biggy"


"Have you not see the way these girls look at you? They are so young and pretty.. single.. no kids... and I wo-"

Kaleb grabbed my face with both of his hands and kissed me.

"I've noticed.. but I'm more crazy about you.... yes they're pretty but you're beautiful... yes their single but I'm taken by you... yes they have no kids... but you're a great mom and Kylie is equally beautiful as you..."

"Kaleb you're not listening"

"Jade... I love you... I really do... I'm tryin to spend some time with you and Kylie.... take this weekend for an example... I switched spots with two guys, just so I can spend time with you on your birthday... and being with you is a blessing..."

I sat their, listening to Kaleb. I honestly didn't expect this at all. I feel so bad right now. Here I am feeling lonely or some sorts when he's trying everything he can to keep a smile on my face. He's trying to be there for every step of the way. The way I am right now, I probably made him feel guilty.

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