Pregnancy/ Happy Ending

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*Jade's POV*

The wedding was a blast and everyone enjoyed it, heck I enjoyed it myself. I'm still shocked about Larry's announcement. He officially retired from the PBR, and I have to say it's bit of relief but also heart breaking. Heart breaking because he has tons of fans and of course I'll miss the friends we had made over the years. It's a relief because we can now focus on our family and whatever the future holds for us. He does want me to keep rodeo'n until I'm ready to actually give it up. I probably won't start back up until like three years from now, because I got another little one to care for and I can't wait to meet the new addition.

Now we're all back at home having a family night. We got games, movies, and other things. Of course Larry couldn't leave out the food. Luke was outside grilling up some steaks and what not. Since we got baby number two on the way, we decided to build Luke a house of his own. He wants to keep it simple, since it'll only by him and Shay, well as far as I know. Luke has also been seeing Shay a lot now. She moved out here and is going to school at a local community college and now works at a feed store. Yes she also moved in, but hey she's family and I can't boot em. Now enough of that, the next morning I am going to my doctor appointment with Larry.

"What are you hoping for" he asked

"Still hoping for a boy... But either way I'll love him or her unconditionally"

"I want another girl..."

"Kylie has been wanting a little brother though..."

"Oh yeah... Bring her into this conversation..."

"Haha... I'm just saying I'm not the only one wishing for a boy"

We pulled up to the hospital and I slowly get out of the car. Man, I feel my baby bump already. When I was pregnant with Kylie I didn't start showing until I was at least four months, but this one is showing in no time. I wonder if I'm longer than they anticipated. We walk into the hospital and up to the third floor.

I checked in and sat down next to Larry but dang it I gotta pee. I got up and went into the bathroom. When I walked in, I see Christi and she hugs me. I haven't seen her since the wedding, and she was one of my bridesmaids.

"What are you doing on the third floor" I asked

"Uh... I'm positive" she said

"Oh my god! Congrats! When are you due?"

"March twentieth..."

"Congrats girl... Where's the mister"

"That's the thing I wanna tell you..."

"What is it"

"Remember how I told you I ran into Luke one night"


"Well... We slept... And he's the only one I've been with since"

"Luke... As in my brother Luke is the daddy"

"Afraid so... I need to tell him"

"I'm gonna be an auntie!" Was all I could say

"Jade stop it! I'm not ready to be a mom... I'm only twenty eight..."

"Didn't think Luke had it in him still.. Haha... I'm sorry.. I'm sure he'll be fine with it... I mean his oldest is in college"

"Im sorry.. What! He has a kid?! He told me he didn't"

Oh shyt!

"Christi he is older than me.. What did yo-"

"JADE!" Larry said

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