Busy Bee

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Kaleb was gettin ready to head out to Stephville. I wish I could go but I cant. I'm too caught up in starting Kylie's herd. So far, I bought a couple of bulls and three cows. Some of them have great bloodlines. But the one person who I shouldve ran to was uncle Julio. He couldve probably sold us one of Bushwacker's offspring. But oh well, there's always a next time.

I'm at the barn, vaccinating the cows and bulls. I have Luke and Mason helping me out. Apparently Luke knows some local bullriders, so he called them out. Never did I thought of turning my arena to a rodeo arena. It was only a roping box that was here. Now it's a roping box and three bucking chutes.

I gotta have at least two great bulls with me. Koonyi and one of these up coming. All afternoon, I've watched them buck. There was one that is all black with small white socks. He is a big boy but gentle. We named him Hero. Then we also have another, but he is a solid red sorrel color, and his name is Fuel Your Fire. I must admit, these bulls got some power to every kick. Maybe I'll take all three of them, Koonyi, Hero, and Fuel Your Fire.

The boys were done for today and I thanked them for coming by. Kylie was at the back pins, spoiling the bulls with treats. I don't what is it with her and animals but they are all so gentle with her. We have this cow name Lady and she dislikes kids. When Kylie comes along, Kylie goes up to, pet her and give her a treat. It's crazy.

I went back into the house and Kaleb was packing his stuff. He has all of his cowboy hats and button shirts in my rig. He basically just needs a bag full of casual clothes. He put his bags by the door. I'm sittin on the couch watching him walk back and forth. He looks my way and smiles. That smile gets me weak at the knees.

"I'm headin out now" Kaleb said

"I'm sorry... I didn't get to spend some time with you"

"It's ok babe... I understand... I love you.."

"I love you too"

He leaned down to give a couple pecks on the lips. Next thing I heard was "ewww". We both smiled and looked at Kylie. She runs over to Kaleb.

"Keep your mom out of trouble ok" Kaleb told her

I playfully punched his shoulder and laughed.

"Hahaha... I will... when will we see you again" Kylie said

"I'm not exactly sure... but I'll let you guys know.. ok"


"I love you both... so much"

He gave us both a kiss on the head and out the door he went. I'm gonna miss Kaleb. This whole thing is gonna be a bit tough but I'm doing it all for Kylie. This is her dream, I'm already living mine.

~Two Weeks Later~

Kylie and I were packing our things for our trip to Albuquerque. Kaleb calls every morning and night, sometimes during the day. Well more like he texts during the day and calls in the morning and at night. Of course he is always requesting facetime. He is now in Florida for the Dodge Circuit Finals. After the finals he Flys out to California for the spring run.

Anyways, back to Kylie and I. I loaded up the bags in the truck. Luke was gathering up the bulls. Kylie was sitting in the backseat. After all the bags and everything was loaded., I hooked up the stock trailer. Luke and I loaded up the bulls and off to New Mexico we went.

"Did you call mom and dad" Luke asked

"No... call them and tell em were heading out now"

"Jade.. calm down... ill take over after our next pit stop"

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