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"It's hard to say Luke... I like to say it but I cant"

"Why not Jade"

"I'm not ready to say it"

"Do you still love him"

*Jade's POV*

Those words kept repeating in my mind. "Do you still love him"? Do I still love him? Could I ever love him again? Does he only want love because of Kylie or because he can't move on? Why all of a sudden he wants back in? I'm ok with him spending time with Kylie. He has that right to spend time with her, I can't take her away from him because of what he put me through. No, I can't take her away, because every kid deserves both parents regardless. Kylie will need her dad either way.


"It's too soon to tell"

"Jade... open your eyes! With counting the number of years split... you and Larry would have been together for twelve years... if you didn't love him... you would've let him take that truck that night... but no... you stopped him from leaving... and when you saw him with Kelly... you couldve left it... but no... you had to go over there and say something... you wouldn't have went to his hotel room that morning... matter who will come along in your life, you're still going to love him no matter what... you may not say it but the signs are there... I'm going to ask you again... do you still love him"

"And if I do? Then what?"

"Answer it"

It's hard to say it. Why can't I say it, Larry is gonna be back any minute. Lord knows what will happen between the two of us after we talk. If I tell Luke I still love him which I'm fighting myself from saying it. I thought back to the things what I did, and if I didn't love him, I wouldn't have kissed him that night, right? I wouldn't have slept with him that night, right? I wouldn't have woken up happy the next morning, feeling that my life was complete with Kylie, him and myself.

"I do Luke... but I'm terrified to be honest with him"


"Because he is gonna take advantage of this whole thing again"

"Jade just do it... we both know you can never let go of someone who you truly love... like your horses...they give you pain the butt sometime but you still love em"

"Except my horses are the real deal... hahaha"

*LJ's POV*

I open the room door and I hear talking. I walked in a little further to see Jade talking on the phone. I leaned against the wall and waited for her to get off. Then she looked my way.

"I gotta go.. talk you later" she said

Then she hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed. She got up and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and change clothes. Now she's tempting me, lord help me control myself.

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