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*Jade's POV*

Today I'm taking Kylie to Oklahoma. Well, I've got a full month of rodeo in the state of Oklahoma. Which LJ timed it perfectly.

Kaleb flew out a day early. Because he was roping in Tulsa, and then he goes to Guthrie. So we got four different rigs out in Oklahoma. He's got one in Guthrie, Tulsa, I have one in Durant and I'm hauling one to Oklahoma City. Kaleb has his brother Jacob driving the one in Guthrie and his buddy Kinney has the one in Tulsa. Jesse has my rig in Durant. Luke will be driving the one we're in right now.

"How are we doing this" Luke asked

"Kylie is getting picked up in Oklahoma City... and I'm roping there tonight... and then I fly to Durant for my next rodeo... while you take this one to Guthrie.. because Kaleb is gonna use Viper and Caballo"

"Oh... ok"

Kaleb entered the Time Event Championship, so he needs Viper and Caballo. I wish I can be there, but I'll be in Durant and then fly to Tulsa. Crazy lifestyle I live now.

"Mommy when is daddy coming" Kylie asked

"He'll meet us in Oklahoma City"

"I mean Kaleb"

Luke looks at me. He smiles. Oh dear, this is not what I expected.

"Will see Kaleb sometimes next week... but your real dad is picking you up.. and you'll be staying with him"

"But I dont want to"


"Cause his friend... I don't like her..."

"How come you don't like her"

"Cause I just dont"

I couldn't help it but laugh. I'm gonna miss my Kylie. One month without her is too dang long. But she does need to spend time with her dad. I still don't get why she don't like LJ's new "friend".

*LJ's POV*

Kylie is coming today, well I'm picking her up. I can't wait to see her. More like I can't wait to see her mom. I'm kidding, well not really. Shhh...

I cleaned up the place and stocked up on Kylie's munchies. I bought her some more clothes as well. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. Arena is out in San Antonio. She won't be back till next week. It will only be me and Kylie at home.

I'm on my way to Oklahoma City. I couldn't help but smile.

It's five in the evening and I made it to Oklahoma City. I pull up to the coliseum. I'm driving around, looking for Jade's rig. Then I see her riding the horse with Kylie. I roll down the window.

"Hey stranger" I said


"Hi Kylie...."

"Hi daddy"

"Where you guys parked"

"Up the road"

I followed them and I see Luke roping the dummy. Wheres that Kaleb guy? Ah, here all alone. Hmm? Jade slid off the horse and she helped Kylie down.

"Hey baby... you ready to go" I said

"I wanna watch mom rope first" she said

"Ok... I need to go pick up some stuff... ill be back later.. ok"

"Ok" She put her head down


Where did she go? I don't see any of the horses.

*Jade's POV*

Luke and I left Kylie and LJ alone. Obviously I had to head back to the arena. Because it was starting. Luke was riding Caballo.

"You think this is a great idea"


"Leaving Kylie with her dad"

"She does need to spend time with him... I can't keep her away from him"

"Alright... are they gonna watch"

"That I dont know"

We rode in and we watched the bareback riding. I hear my name being called. I looked around and there was Kylie. She waved at me and I waved back. My little fan, I'm gonna miss her.

The team roping was up. Kory and I were fifth out tonight. Four teams went and it was our turn. We rode into the box. Viper was really alert, when that steer would make some type of noise. He would hop a little. Once he was calm, that's when I called for it. We ran a 5.4 and put us third in the round. Hopefully we make it for short go.

After we got done, I quickly took off back to the trailer. I unsaddled, grabbed my rope bag and backpack. Kory and I were flying out tonight because we have slack tomorrow morning.

Luke was coming back with Kylie. She had a smile plastered on her face. I took her off. Kory was waiting for me.

"You be a good girl... ok..." I said

"When you coming back...."

"I'll call you... ok? I love you baby"

"Love you to momma"

I kissed her forehead and gave her to Luke. I put my stuff in the back of the truck and off we went to the airport.

*LJ's POV*

I walk back to the rig. All I see is Kylie playing with Luke. Wheres Jade?

"Where did Jade go" I asked

"Airport" Luke said

"Oh... Kylie you ready to go"

Luke went in the trailer and carries out her suitcase. We hands it to me. Kylie gives Luke a hug and she gets in the car.

We are now head home.


How will the one month with Kylie go?

Sorry it's short...


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