Time Matters

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*Week Later*

It has been a week since the incidents. Jade hasn't woken up yet, and Scooby is fine. He back at home being the great and naughty horse that he is. Jade's parents are out here too, so is Cody, Tyler, Lisa, and Jesse. Each and every one of them came by to visit her but as for me I never left her side. Everyone is praying for her to wake up and get better. Some of the guys that she rodeo'd with sent her gifts and get well cards. She touched a lot of hearts out on the road.

Kylie comes here every now and then. She don't want to see her mom, well,she does but not in this type of situation. Her and Luke took it hard once I told them what happened to Jade. Luke turned into the Incredible Hulk in no time. He wanted to hunt down the bastards that put her in this hospital bed. I told him they are no longer to be worried about.

*Week Two*

Jade hasn't been making any progress. This room is filling up with flowers and cards. My phone hasn't had a break from the text messages and phone calls. My family is worried about Jade and some of my friends that knew her well. The doctor had a recliner put in here for me. I haven't gone home ever since, and they said it was ok to shower here. They bring me food or Luke brings something because I want to be the one she sees first. I really don't want to leave her side.

I was sitting there by the bed and watching tv at the same time. I flipped through the channels and found the PBR channel. I watched it, and I do miss riding bulls but not as much as I miss being with my family. Then her dad comes walking in.

"How you feeling Kid" he asked

It brought a smile to my face because that was his nickname for Jade.

"I'm alright... Yourselves" I said

"We're ok at home... Just thought I'd come here to check on you two... How is she" Austin said

"Still being a sleepy head.. Haha.. Still no sign of progress... I still have my hopes high that she'll pull through..."

"We do too... She's a tough one... You know Larry, Jade never stopped talking about you.. I remembered her telling me about you.. This was before you two became a relationship... Every weekend she is watching PBR..talking about how handsome you are, going into her moment as she calls it... She says I hope to meet him one day or meet someone like him... When she started dating Jake, she started backing off from the drooling and excitement.. Haha.. I was wondering why... What happened to my sweet Jade... I'm sure she told you what she went through..."

I nodded my head.

" I asked her what's wrong... She says I was saving myself for him meaning you... I start laughing... She says it's not funny dad... I couldn't help but laugh... As time went, she was off to school and that broke my heart even more... Because she was the one I use sit down with and have a casual conversation with... It'd be about anything.. She kept in contact no matter what and visited when she was near by because she was on the rodeo team.. When I found out she was dating you, I couldn't believe... Well first I heard it from her sister... I was like no cant be... When she brought you home... I couldn't believe my very eyes... I saw that she was happy and I had no choice but to respect that... I also had you on a tight leash.. Reason being was because I was in your shoes at one point... Enough of that.. The day you and Jade got married I couldn't forget that moment... I actually saw my youngest in a dress, in I don't how many years.. Hahaha... But she was the true meaning of beautiful that day.. I was holding back tears and I didn't know how to let her go... I swallowed my pride and gave her away... I was happy and sad all in one... Happy because I married off my daughter to the man she loves... Sad because she grew up to fast... Like everything changed in a heartbeat... And then you two had Kylie... I see a lot of Jade in Kylie... And I wo-"

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