Not Over

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I closed the door behind me and Im starting to get a bit nervous. How in the hell did he find me? How in the hell did he get in here? How in the flying shyt get passed the security alarm system? He sat there with a glass of whiskey and takes a sip. The one person I truly hate in this world is in my home. I tried not to show any fear or any emotion at all.

"Jake... What are you doing here" I asked

"Nothing much sweetheart... I was just curious as to why that pathetic bullrider kept wanting you back... and I can see why... You havent changed one bit honey... still the same old Jade I knew in high school... the popular high school sweetheart that every guy wanted and I was lucky enough to be with you..."

"Huh... I didnt know I was popular... Maybe you mixed me up with that witch of a cheerleader... tell me Jake... was she your type... the slut that everyone loves to chase... the one that gives up everything to every guy... and Larry may be pathetic but he's more of a man than you ever were"

"*chuckles* and the sarcastic Jade is out... oh no honey, I remember you perfectly... I can tell you the story of every scar that you have on your body... the way we met.. the way we made love.. everything about you... I remember every bit of it"

"Majority of my scars came from you... no matter how much you try to get me back... it'll never happen"

I stepped up to him and he stood up to me. We were face to face, nose to nose, chest to chest, I mean we were that close to one another.

"Kaleb" he said

I felt a hand wrap around me and one over my mouth. I looked and it was Kaleb; what the hell is going on. My breathing was getting heavy and I was getting scared.

"Shhhh... You're ok babe" Kaleb whispered

I started squirming around under his hold. Jake walked up to us with an evil smirk. He took off his tshirt, revealing a grey tank top.

"We're gonna have fun with you arent we Kaleb..."

I bit Kaleb's hand and I punched Jake then took off running towards the back door and then I was grabbed again. Now who the f**k grabbed me. I looked behind me.

"Cade?" I questioned

"Hey baby..." He said

"You were right Jake... she is a feisty one to play with.. Although when she was with me.. she wasnt so feisty... let me tell you sweetie... I love my women feisty" Cade said

Cade picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I'm kicking and slapping the shyt out of his back. He carried me back to the living room and tossed me on the couch. Jake send the two different ways, leaving Jake and I alone.

"I've told you before Jay Jay... All you had to do was listen but no... You just have to make things complicated..."

Then Kaleb and Cade came back with a rope and cable ties. Cade had a hanky in his back pocket. They tried to stand me up but I refused until I was back handed. Son of a b!tch my face stung like a mother. Kaleb tied up my hands with the cable ties. Cade pulled out his pocket knife and cut my clothes until I was complete nude. I hate how weak I am, I'm still sore from the miscarriage.

"Where shall we take this party?" Jake asked

"Bedroom..." Cade insisted

Cade tried grabbing me but I fought. I was smacked again, this f****r is lucky right now. He kicked my abandoned, making me lose my air for a split second. Right now my lip is swollen and bleeding. Cade picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bedroom.

The three of them laughed like no other. I feel so exposed and insecure and manipulated. I wish someone could hear me, but I'm nowhere to be heard. I can't grab my cellphone at all. These cable ties are tighter than a three wraps and a hooey. I can feel my hands slowly falling asleep. I've probably got minutes left before they turn completely purple.

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