Good to Bad

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*Next Day/ Jade's POV*

I got up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around the room and it's empty. Woke up in a empty bed. Oh well, I walk into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and I have this gross looking love bite. The hell? Did he pull a twilight or something? It wasn't a normal love bite? Looks like he tried to suck the life out of me. I put a pullover on because all I was wearing was tank and basketball shorts. Don't know what happened to the tshirt I was wearing.

I walk downstairs. I see Luke sleeping on the couch. I walk into the kitchen. Finding Kylie in her highchair. Covered in flour and sugar. What in the world? I walk in a little more, and I peaked. I see, LJ running back and forth. A smiled appeared on my face. Kylie is laughin about her dad. She looks like Ace Ventura, where he sculpted that statue. All I see is her eyes blinking and her mouth open widely, do to laughin.

"You think this is funny..." LJ asked her

Making her laugh any harder. He chuckled to himself.

"Shhh.. tryin to make mommy breakfast" he whispered

She starts laughing again. LJ smiles and laughs along with her.

"You're just like your mom... always laughing about the most random things.. but still find it hilarious.. and have her adorable laugh"

Again, Kylie is laughin her butt off. Make it even worse LJ is tickling her. I walk in.

"What did daddy do to you" I asked Kylie

She smiles and then starts laughing away. This little girl is gonna be sore. I have no idea, what he did or gave her, that made Kylie hyper. I grabbed a cloth and damped it with warm water. I wiped her face.

"Aww.... mom ruined the fun... we were going for Ace Ventura.. huh Kylie"

"And daddy is just playing around in the kitchen... making a mess that he has to now clean up... because mommy made breakfast plans..we need to get dressed...I guess it's only Kylie and I going out for breakfast" I said but joked at the last part

"Heeeey! What about me" LJ pouted

"If daddy hurrys... than he can come too... hahahaha.. just kidding laarrryyyy... clean up and will leave"

"Where are we goin.... and don't mock me"

"Hahaha...That's for Kylie and I to know... and daddy still has a mess to clean up"

Kylie and I walk upstairs. We got in the shower and got dressed. I picked her black vans sneakers, jeans and a grey top. I fish braided her hair. She looked in the mirror and smiled. I set her down and I fixed my hair. Kylie was playing with the brush. I got done getting ready, we walk downstairs and Luke was already to go. But where is that person name Larry.

"Larry" I shouted


"Luke.. can you put Kylie in the car.. while I find the father" I said annoyed

"Hahaha... come on cutie... I'm hearing round two" Luke said

"Ugh... just take her to the car"

I went upstairs. I looked in Kylie's room but he wasn't there. I looked in my room and he wasn't there. I walked in the guest bedroom, and there he was. He was shirtless! Hot damn! I knocked.

"Laaarrryyyy" I whined

"Jaaaaddeeee... I'm trying to get dressed"

He turned around. I walked up to him and I ran my index finger down his back. I see little goosebumps. I put both of my hands on his back, and planted kisses.

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