What To Do

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My phone kept ringing and ringing. I still haven't decided if I should answer or not. But dam it, this feels so right at this point. Wait, the hell has gotten into me. F**k it, just answer the dam thing.

"Larry... wait" I said

"I cant... you know how long it's been"

"It'll take just a moment"

"Our moment is now dam it"


"Five minutes"

He backed away and I answered the phone.


"Hey hun"


"What are you doin"

"Gettin ready to go sleep with Larry" my mind chanted

"At the house... gettin ready for bed"

"Oh... I've been thinking bout you all day"


"Really? I've been busy with some stuff... I haven't gave you a thought.. haha.. sorry"

"It's fine... what are you doing tomorrow"

"Hang out at the ranch... the usual... I gotta go"

"Ok... I love you"

"Me too... bye"

I quickly hung up the phone. Larry smiled and picked me up. Good heavens, will Kylie be a older sister? We shall find out!

*Kaleb's POV*

That was a strange phone call. Normally our phone calls last longer than an hour. Oh well, I'm tired as heck as well. I walked into the trailer to hit the hay. Luke was in the truck, watching Hork Dog.

I went to sleep.

~Next Day~

I get up at the crack of dawn. I look out the window and Luke was watering the horses. I checked my phone and it was six-thirty. I don't rope until tonight for my second steer.

I put my shirt on and walk outside. Luke just waves his hand. I walk over to the horses. I tossed them some hay, and filled the buckets with total equine. Luke was done watering the horses. I head on over to the entry office to check my draw.

I'm at the office and I see the day sheet. Buddy and I drew steer number forty. So far, we're sitting third coming into tonight's round. Then I walk back to the trailer, most likely gonna get something to eat.

*LJ's POV*

The sun beamed through the window. I don't remember the curtains being open last night. I looked around and I'm in a empty room. The dark blue sheet covered half of my body. I sat up and looked around and there are clothes laying all over the place.

I get up from the bed and make my way to my duffle bag. Wait a minute, where is my bag? Wait? Did last night really happen?! I walked to the door, opening it enough to poke my head out. The coast was clear, I wrapped the sheets around me, and quickly walked to the bedroom that my bag was in. Until I heard another door open, my heart stopped for a second.

"Daddy?" Kylie asked

Oh. SHYT! I turned around and faced her.

"Hey baby... good morning"

"Wheres your clothes"

"I forgot them in my bag.. was gonna use mom's shower since the other was in use.. now that you're out, I can use that one"

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