Love Again

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*Jade's POV*

I stood there, taking in what he said. Can I take the risk? What if it starts all over again? My heart can't take it. For God's sake he kissed me and I didn't budge to fight. I stood against the fence post, and he looked out to the pasture, we both are facing different directions.

"What need are you searching for" I asked

"Desperate... desperate to make things right for once... hope that no one or myself is gonna screw this up"

"Larry...  I mean the need as in needy or the need of comfort?"


"No... lie to me.. of course honesty"

"Life... that's the need I want... my life is what I want and need... and I can't live without it... I can't concentrate... I haven't seen nor heard from my family since they found out we filed and why we did... well more like why you did... my mom told me to never come back unless I'm with the one I vowed too and the one I brought into this world... I tried calling on birthdays and holidays.. but no one wouldn't pick up my calls or responds to text messages... I've lost everything Jade"

Wow! I personally didn't see that coming. Since I've known him for so long, I know the difference between real and fake with him. When he spoke about his family, he sound so sad and heartbroken. I can't imagine not talking nor seeing my family.

"My dad didn't speak to me for awhile... this past year was the first time he spoke to me... he's probably the only one who speaks to me... now you know what I mean when I say you and Kylie are all I need and want and have..."

"Not to be mean... prove it... prove it that your family don't talk to you..."

He pulled out his phone and dialed his voicemail. He handed me the phone and listened. Never in my life have I heard a mother talk so agressive to their child. I understand as in mad but his mom took parenting to whole new level.

"I'm so disappointed LJ... never have I taught you to hit anyone... let me tell you this... next girl you are with don't bring her here or better yet don't come back until you are my son... if you come back... either bring the one you vowed to and with the one you brought into this world... if not... than don't bother coming home"

I hanged up on the voicemail because I couldn't stand hearing any more. I didn't think his family would turn on him.

"How long have you not talked to them" I asked

"Since the day you walked out that door... when I invited you to the dinner... my mom couldn't even look at me... after I told her the truth"

"That's a long time... Larry you need to make things right with everyone else... not just me but your family... you can't hold that much grief to yourself... I get why you are... but she's your mother and you will never get another..."

"Don't you think I tried... the following year I called her for coffee.... I waited for her at the diner... but she never showed up... I've waited for hours... I got tired of waiting and went to the house... she was just sitting there, watching tv with the rest of the family... and they all look at me if I were some stranger... I went up to my room for something that I left. I didn't find it but I found this in the drawer of my night stand... I think Kylie left it.."

He pulls out a wallet size paper, from his wallet. He hands it over to me, and I look at it. It was our wedding picture. A smile snuck up on my face. We're we even ready to get married at the time? We were so happy in this picture. What happened to us? At times I regret filing the damn thing. I gave the photo back to him.

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