Conference Room 1

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Hawks Pov

I woke up to the random noises of traffic from the city and the sunlight that now poured into my apartment. My apartment was on the top floor of a building, one penthouse of two on the top floor, having a few of the small lake within the park. The buzz noise from my phone distracted me from the view of the lake outside. Groaning as I saw the texts from two different people with two completely different moods. One was Endeavor angrily texting me in all caps about a meeting that's supposedly happening at noon in conference room 1 and to make sure I'm not late. And the other to my surprise was Eraserhead, also mentioning the meeting and a 'hope you can make it'.

I figured this time I'd show up early on purpose so that I could rub it in Endeavor's face that I was there before him. I checked the time that gave me an estimate of how long I was asleep for; 11:30am. My eyes widened, shit I slept in too long! I bolted for the front door of my penthouse apartment, grabbing an apple on the way out and running down the thin hallway to the elevators. I need my energy if I am to focus on the meeting today. I sighed as the door to the elevator opened, allowing me to enter. My eyes started to drift back to sleep as the music was practically lulling me to sleep. It finally opened and made my way past the receptionist at the front desk to the building.

"See you later Demi," I said with a smile, waving as I walked past.

"Bye Hawks," returning a smile as well before asking, "would you like me to call a cab for you today?"

I moved a quick nod and proceeded at the front entrance outside, only waiting a few minutes for one to pull up. Telling the driver that UA was my destination as I hoped into the back seat. I arrived at UA only ten minutes later, perfect it's only 11:48am. Got some time to spare. I quickly flew up the few flights of stairs and headed into conference room 1, to see All Might, Nezu, Selkie and Present Mic all sitting around the table. All of them turned in my direction as I slowly made my way to the next closest chair. HAHAHA I'm here before flamebrain. But great sound hound is here, I always get some stupid headache after I'm in a room with Present Mic.

"As I was about to say that I need to attend another meeting now, Can maybe you four continue the conversation?" UA's principle asked, while hopping off his chair and waiting for an answer before leaving.

"Yes sir, you can count on us!" All Might said happily before coughing up some blood and returning to his smaller form.

The click of the door left us in a bit of a small silence that was bugging me enough to speak up, "heh, thought I was early but I guess not. Can anyone fill me in?"

"Sure... Nezu was thinking that since there have been numerous attacks that the league of villains have been doing and succeeded, it's making them more bold and their number of attacks has increased." Selkie stated.

"And also how personal information on Pro Hero's has been kept out of public eye and wants it to stay that way as well if possible, he believes that a small group of other Pro hero's should know where one lives in case of some sort of emergency, as well as family members if that applies to them...." All Might continued.

"Do they not already have that information on file?" I asked, slightly confused but understanding where Nezu is coming from in terms of safety

"NA MAN! THEY DON'T KEEP THAT INFORMATION!" Present Mic answered shouting. I slightly winced as my advanced hearing made it seem all the more loud, and by the looks of it, Selkie had the same problem.

"There a way you can tone it down a notch? Or like fifty for that matter?" I asked grudgingly, rubbing my ear that was closest to him. He giggled for a second or two before stopping and nodding slowly.

All Might intervened, "All right guys, we need to be serious. We need to make small groups of Pro Hero's and have them give each other their addresses. But we need to choose the groups."

"Like small groups of four or five people." Stated 'sound hound'.

"Thank you for being much quieter sound hound." I said, giving him a slight affirming nod. Followed by the slightest murmur from Present Mic about my nickname for him.

"Yeah. But what if we had, like the original Pro Hero, tell one person, and then trust that person to tell another one?" Asked Selkie, with a pondering face of his own

"I'd believe it would make sense to the Pro Hero to tell them? As opposed to that idea would make it confusing and maybe uncomfortable to one when another suddenly shows up at their house." I mentioned

"True. So why don't we come up with a list of Hero's that work well with others? As like friends, therefore would it be far less uncomfortable?" All Might finally pitched in. "And also every Pro Hero knows where I live, since I'm retired they made it very clear that I'd live on UA in an apartment..." he continued.

Receiving a giggle from us, "I'm not picky on who knows where I live, just as long as I know who knows if you know what I mean." I commented, leaning my back into my chair and crossing my arms.

"And well... I live with Eraserhead..." Present Mic stated, looking away from our shocked eyes and pretending he was not guilty of saying that.

"Oh? Okay, that makes one less for either of them" Selkie who spoke before All Might and I could.

The meeting continued for about another two hours and we all were slowly coming to a close. Having notes and papers all spread across the desk and the cork board filled with the end results of the finished small groups; all having strings connecting each one like a crime investigator would. The people who will know my address would be Endeavor, All Might, Eraserhead and since he lives with Present Mic, he will know mine as well. As for the ones I will know are Mirko, Ryukyu, Fat gum and Mt. Lady.

All Might headed out to grab us some donuts and coffee, and I begged him to get some chicken wings as well. Selkie followed suit and his excuse was that All Might needed to be protected if any villains attacked. As for sound hound and I, we were stuck packing up all the papers and were organizing what was to be given out to the other Pro Heros. Until I realized that Endeavor wasn't in the meeting, nor was Aizawa.

"Hey um.. I feel weird asking this now and definitely way too late, but where is Endeavor? Or Eraserhead? Both of them texted me to be at this meeting?"


"OW, voice please, god dammit! And what do you mean it was just the four of you? He texted me to go to room one for a 12pm meeting." I stated angrily that that bastard didn't show up to an important meeting.

"Were you supposed to go to the noon o'clock meeting? Because this one started at 11:30? That's why Nezu stepped out basically when you got here. Did they not tell you the meeting rooms changed?..." he continued blabbing about the two rooms and why they changed it but I realized how much deep shit I was in.

I slammed the stack of papers I had in my hands on the table and sprinted towards the 'new' room where my original meeting was supposed to be. I stopped in front of the door to catch my breath before entering. I slowly opened the door to see two very angry faces. Eraserheads and worst of all Endeavors.

"Took you long enough Hawks. Where's your excuse this time?" Aizawa asked angrily. 

"I... I..Um. Endeavor texted me and said it was in conference room 1." 

Endeavor scowled deeply at me, his cold blue eyes starred. Although he's always engulfed in flames, you could practically see the steam emitting from his nose and ears. He was furious.

 "That's not an excuse, Hawks." 

"Y..Yes It-" I was about to continue but was cut off by a loud bang on the conference table. Endeavor had slammed his hands on the desk cutting both Eraserhead and I off. 

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