The Video

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Aizawas Pov

The afternoon class was always one I hated, most times I pawned the class off to All Might or Present Mic so I could take a nap. I walked into the class of 1-A students and everyone was quietly mumbling or talking in small groups, hovering over their phones. I thought it was very out of character for any members in the class, including Bakugou, who actually sat quietly for once.

"Ok class settle down!" I raised my voice so they knew I was here and that it was time for class and could meddle with their electronics later.

"Mr.Aizawa have you seen this?" Midoriya asked, motioning towards his phone.

"I know it's crazy, Hawks looked so beat. Poor thing." Uraraka sounded, with tears at the edge of her eyes.

I slowly walked over to Midoriya who even had Bakugou facing him and a worried expression on his face.

"Seen what?" I asked, slowly kneeling beside his desk so I was above the eye level of the desk. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, but my curiosity of what the class was worried about intrigued me enough to ignore it for once. Midoriya restarted the short two minute video, and what came next I was not prepared to watch at 5:00pm.

I saw three civilians hiding behind a winged man, not just any winged man, it was Hawks. A badly injured Hawks. A second later a frightening type of Nomu walked onto the screen, standing as tall as the first Nomu I encountered, if not bigger. Hawks held his side with his one hand, and the other had his sword out. His right wing, still damaged from earlier, was set in a lower height, as if he gave up holding its weight and let it practically drag on the floor. The other at a normal position off the ground.

The large Nomu swung its large front claws at him and he dodged them all, making sure to keep it from his other uninjured wing.

"I just don't get it, he fights better in the air." The small green haired boy looked at me in the eyes, his saddened expression was abnormal for the young boy.

A scream coming from the video made me look back. The Nomu had thrown Hawks into one of the walls with its spiked tail, the tail spikes pierced through his burned wing, and proceeded to throw him to the ground. Hawks; he didn't get up.

The Nomu's attention left the winged man and went straight towards the civilians. With a struggling Hawks nearby. He managed to cut a hole in the weakened wall where the tail and his body hit and shouted at the three to run out of there.

Which, of course the Nomu didn't like them leaving and jumped on Hawks, landing on his back. The Nomu's back legs that were similar to a rhino or elephant crushed Hawks, seeing as he struggled to move under it and was spitting up blood. The front lion-like claws dug into his shoulder as he let out another cry. Seeing him pinned under that Nomu in that position gave me an unsettling flashback to when I, too, was pinned under such beast.

I faced away not wanting to watch the last 30 seconds before asking, "When did this get uploaded?"

"Hmm, about 20 or so minutes. Everyone in the comments is asking what happened to him." His voice was shaky as he placed his phone down onto the table. My phone then buzzed again and once again I did not pick it up.

"Okay I have to go see what's going on, class will be canceled this afternoon." I stated, quickly walking out of the class and down the hall when I noticed Midnight.

"Hey! They have been texting and calling you, you need to come now!" She said, turning around and jogging down the hallway, with me not far behind.

We finally arrived at the conference room 1 that held the other meeting that Hawks apparently went to accidentally. Many Pro Hero's sat down or stood at the side, awaiting my arrival and the first words of Nezu.

"As most if not all of you are aware of that video posted of Hawks?" He explained. Most people shook their heads and some were even confused, as for those like me, Mirko, Midnight and a few others nodded.

"For those of you who don't know.... Hawks is gone." He said in a saddened tone, playing the video I just watched moments ago on the screen. I closed my eyes, not wanting to resee a fellow Pro Hero struggle to fight alone when he himself was already in pain from earlier. And that was my fault. I opened my eyes slowly to see everyone's shocked faces, All Might looked like he was about to cry and Endeavor, well stoned faced as always.

I glanced back at the screen as the last 30 seconds I didn't watch played out.

The Nomu grabbed the three civilians and picked them up, ready to rip them apart when all you hear is the faint sounds of Hawks' voice, "Let them go.. Don't hurt them..."

There was a slight pause, but then the Nomu dropped the three and stood still.

"Do what you want with me, but let them go." He said weakly, barely able to push himself onto his knees, blood practically flowed from his side and wing like a gushing river.

The last thing was the Nomu tail swiping him again, and Hawks flying somewhere off screen before the video ended.

Nezu stated, "We unfortunately don't know if he's officially dead or if they just took him prisoner...But we did capture a Nomu that was outside the school, it had deep cuts and scrapes indicating that Hawks was in combat with that one as well as the one in the video."

"H-he fought two of them?" All Might stuttered, his head angled deep into his lap with his gaze on Nezu who nodded slowly.

"I-I should have driven him home instead of letting him walk... he was so adamant about it." He spoke softly.

I looked down feeling guilty that I accused him of being late and then not helping him out, even after evidence was proven by three others. The rest of the Pro Hero's began to leave with only a few of us unmoving. The door clicked shut and silence filled the room. What broke the silence was Mirko's crying, she bursted into tears as All Might grabbed her lightly to let her lean on him.

"It's my fault." I said sadly, not wanting to look at her now red puffy eyes. She was the closest with Hawks.

"No... it's not..." All Might replied in a low sad voice, something foreign to hear in his voice.

I glanced at Present Mic hoping he'd back me up, as I was responsible. He only shook his head, "He was the one that burned him in the first place." Mic gave a stare at Endeavor that I have never seen before. If his looks could kill; Endeavor would be dead.

"I know that, but I let it happen... I watched him burn his wing without erasing his quirk."

"Don't worry Aizawa, we both know Endeavor with or without a quirk. He still would have hurt him." The blond male responded, failing to pull Mirko in tighter as she jumped up and attacked Endeavor.

"HOW COULD YOU!!" her voice and sobs filled the room as we all awkwardly sat and watched her punch him in the chest repeatedly. Endeavor never moved, but I could almost see guilt in his blue eyes, deep down in between his slow blinks, as if he was trying to come up with something to say, anything to say. And yet nothing else was said. He stood to head to the door of the room with a sad face and an angry Mirko in tow.

The rest of us sat in what felt like hours in silence before I mentioned the other Nomu.

"Nezu said they arrested one of the Nomu's that was in combat with Hawks right?"

A nod from both Mic and All Might made me come to a final decision, let it rot in prison.

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