Chaotic Family Dinner

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Hawks Pov

I followed quietly behind the large male as he stepped up to his own house. It had a large front oak wood door and two tall windows on either side. I nodded a quick 'thanks' as he let me step inside first and he carefully shut the door behind him. The smell of turkey immediately hit my nose and it almost made me drool.

I could already start to feel that dull aching in my lower back and legs. A first sign that I was pushing my walking and standing limit of the day. Shit.... I did too much earlier worrying about Dabi. My thoughts were interrupted by Endeavor.

"You coming in?" He asked, a few steps ahead of me.

I nodded and took off my shoes. I stood in the open concept of a living room to the right and a dining room to the left. A fireplace and mantel on the far left side. The flame hero turned around a corner into another room as I looked around.

"How's the dinner going Fuyumi?" I heard him ask in the other room, which now I realized was the kitchen.

"It's going..." She responded shortly. My curiosity peaked when I turned the corner.

"Um. Fuyumi this is-"

"Hawks... I know who he is." She cut him off as I gave a soft smile and waved. That's an odd way to speak to your father.

"It's nice to meet you Fuyumi. Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, peeking behind her at the other items that covered the kitchen counters. For a fairly large kitchen, it seemed like it needed more counter space, but maybe that was because of all the food set out around it.

"Um, actually I'm almost done. Just maybe 10 more minutes on the turkey." She responded happily. Endeavor smiled too before whispering something in her ear and she began to leave the kitchen. My eyes followed her out until I was left alone with the large male.

"The table is already set. Do you want anything to drink?" He asked, putting his hands together in awkwardness.

"I'm good, I'll just have water with dinner, thanks." I smiled again. "Should I bring some of this over to the table?"

"Oh.. Actually we just dish it up here. Makes more room on the table."

"Ah I see." I nodded once more. Jeez I didn't think it would be this awkward.

I looked back as I heard more than one set of footsteps coming closer. The white haired female emerged back into the kitchen and went straight to the oven to check the turkey. The other two people kept walking into the living room, not even noticing me.

"I'll introduce you." Endeavor simply nudged me out into the other room. His frame is much larger than mine. I sorta felt like a kid next to him.

We turned into the next room and I noticed a white haired male who sat grumpily on his phone. He never bothered to look up from the spot on the couch. The duel haired boy also sat on the couch, but he was reading a book.

"Natsuo, please get off your phone. We have company." The deep voice behind me sounded. Slightly startling me by the tone of his demanding voice.

I grimaced as the boy known as Natsuo only replied with the middle finger, still not looking up from his phone. A loud huff was heard as Endeavor went over and grabbed the phone away from the teen.

"I said get off your phone! Shoto put the book away."

"The fuck!" Natsuo yelled, "For fuck sakes old man you're the one who wants him to study all the damn time!"

"Teenagers, am I right?" The flame hero rolled his eyes as he passed me. The white haired teen stared angrily at his leaving father. Is this night going to be like this the whole time? I was about to say something but decided against it; it wasn't my house so not my rules. I didn't care if he was on his phone or not, I just didn't want any yelling. My ears won't be able to take that all night.

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