Prison Fun

613 19 0

All Might Pov

We followed in silence behind the large creature. The Nomu occasionally turned and checked behind itself; almost as if it was checking to make sure we were in pursuit. We finally rounded a corner of the prison that led to cell blocks C and eventually D, passing large heavy metal doors that led to the outside areas for past inmates.

"Keep your eyes and ears open for any sounds indicating others are here." Iida spoke softly just behind me.

"Then shut your mouth four eyes!" The normally loud blond whispered angrily from behind class 1-A's class rep. Followed by young Kirishima, and young Midoriya taking up the rear.

The Nomu grumbled ahead of us as the room opened up into a two story area, cells lined on each side on both levels. Its large body walked in a quick circle as it continued tracking Hawks' scent. I just hope he's still alive.

"It's quite eerie. And so dark in the cells that you can't see the backs of it." The gravity user spoke softly, turning her body around to face me, as she was the first to follow the creature. "I wish Todoroki was here, he would be a good light source. This place creeps me out."

"Honestly Uraraka, you're not the only one. It's like we're being watched and I don't like it." The redhead added, shivering as a chill must have taken him by surprise.

"We are still okay. Everyone's fine and we haven't found any signs of villains in the area so there's no need to worry." I sounded, giving a reassuring smile and a nod to each one of them before continuing. "The Nomu moved towards the hallway leading to cell block D, so Hawks must be in that area."

We reached cell block D after passing over rubble and frozen concrete. The cracks in the walls of cell block D made the weather outside easily felt from the inside of the building. Would it make sense to have a prisoner in such a bad shape of the building? I was brought back out of my thoughts as the Nomu stopped at a wire gate and lightly pushed on it. The door didn't open.

"Let me try you stupid thing!" Young Bakugou whisper-yelled as he shoved his way to the front, shaking the locked wire gate door and checking its lock.

"K-kacchan, don't blow u-up the door! Who k-knows who will h-hear it." My apprentice spoke faintly. Barely audible but manageable to hear close by.

"I'm not stupid Deku! But the only way to get through would be to make some sort of noise." He sounded back.

"Hey All Might, how would you open a locked door quietly?" Young Iida asked.

"Not sure, normally a key or trying to pick the lock. My quirk isn't built for stealthy missions. I'm sure your homeroom teacher would know more about that topic than me."

"Anyone have any lock-picking supplies?" Kirishima asked, "Uraraka? Bobby pin perhaps?"

"No, I don't sorry." The female frowned.

"Even if we had the tools, someone here would need the skills to unlock the door. It's not as easy as you think it would be." I said, sadly shutting down what is probably the most logical and quietest way in.

I can-" Both Bakugou and Midoriya said in unison. The blond glared at his classmate harshly but didn't burst out in anger like I thought he would. Glad he knows the severity of the situation.

"Well actually there are many ways to open a door without a key, other than picking the lock. There's-"

"Shut it you damn nerd, you're starting to ramble again." The blond angrily said, speaking louder than a whisper and small sparks emitting from the palm of his hands.

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