Conference Room Conflict

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Hawks Pov

Endeavor stood up too harshly, making the chair speed backwards into the wall behind, while he angrily walked towards me. I'd admit I was nervous at the start, but was not gonna let that show.

He then grabbed a chunk of my hair with his left hand and tightened his grip on it as if he was gonna rip it all out.

"Gahhh!" I blurted out as he dragged me closer to his level, lifting me off the ground and set his mouth directly beside my ear before purposely yelling into it.


I started squirming in his hand before he dropped me. I rubbed my head where he grabbed my hair, trying to soothe the pain that felt like a thousand needles piercing my head, clenching my eyes closed as well. Endeavor then kicked me in the stomach, through the pasty glass that hid the meeting, my wings the first to impact and breaking it into a thousand pieces.

I screamed in pain as the glass shards stabbed into my wings as I couldn't harden them in time before the devastating kick. I slowly pulled myself to a standing position, holding my stomach trying to focus on not throwing up the food I ate all those hours ago. Which most likely wouldn't happen as it's definitely digested by now, but still feeling like I'd throw up something. I glanced over at Eraserhead who was now walking out the room's original door.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!!???" I yelled at Endeavor, who only stepped over the broken glass and pinned my neck to the wall and was once again lifted off the ground. I hardened my feathers knowing full well my weakness was fire, fire that can burn my feathers in their hardened or softened form.

I tried wiggling my wings to hopefully wiggle free from his tight grasp as I was now trying to gasp for air. Only to fail and piss Endeavor off more somehow, to the point where he decided he would use his flames with his free hand to burn one of my wings.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" I screamed once more as I felt every feather being burned, the heat from his hand was overwhelming enough to start making me pant, gasping for air with tears at the ready to fall out. I shut my eyes tightly as the flames eventually stopped, but the pain didn't. Endeavor loosened his grip and glared over to Eraserhead who was using his quirk to stop the flames. He dropped me on the floor, headed towards him and pushed him out of the way by mumbling the all to familiar words, "useless bird."

I coughed as I was once again taking full breaths of air and not being choked anymore, clenching my stomach with one hand, and the other slowly grazing over the fresh burns that were now even more sensitive than they normally were. Shit! Huffing slightly just as All Might, Nezu and Present Mic rounded the other corner down the hall in a panic.

"Everything ok? What's going on here?" Nezu asked, hopping off All Might's shoulder and running up beside me as I stood up, using the burned wall behind me.

"We heard yelling and stuff, I thought I was the only one who does that?" Present Mic commented, looking at Aizawa for an answer.

"It's FINE, I'm okay." I responded, huffing as I did, my energy completely drained and my body feeling ready to sleep for what could be days.

"No you're not, I'm taking you to recovery girl." All Might said, going back into his hero form and throwing me over his shoulder.

"HEY PUT ME DOWN OLD MAN!" I Shouted at him, trying and failing to squirm out of his grasp as well. God dammit!

"He didn't show up for an important meeting that both Endeavor and I texted him about."

"Oh don't worry about that, he attended the other important meeting." The principal chimed in, jumping on Aizawa before continuing, "He was told to go to room 1, but I see no one informed him that the rooms had been changed."

Aizawa glared at a grinning Present Mic and then looked at me, his tired eyes showing a hint of guilt and sorrow as I was being carried farther down the hall.

All Might Pov

Walking down the hall towards recovery girl's office with a squirming Hawks on my shoulder tired me out as he would not stop moving.

"Would you quit moving before I drop you?"

"Well I didn't ask to be thrown over your shoulder now did I." As Hawks answered, he voluntarily stopped squirming and must have decided against it.

"No I guess you didn't." I said with a smile on my face and placed him gently back onto solid ground.

I quickly scanned my eyes over the smaller male and finished on his bleeding and significantly smaller right wing. Most of the feathers were half burned and completely black while others still had a small spark of flame with a light hissing sound as it burned more.

"Is there a reason why Endeavor did this to you?" I asked, opening one of the hallway doors that led in the direction of recovery girl's office.

"Does he need a reason?"

"I'd say yes, he knows we are all on the same team."

Hawks slowed his walking pace and looked around before sighing, "He was just mad that I went to the wrong meeting."

"Did he tell you to go to room one at noon?"

"Yuppers." He answered with a saddening tone, ironic with his choice of words.

"And were you informed about the change?"

He only shook his head and stopped in front of the office door. "Then there was no need for him to-"

"JUST SHUT UP ALL MIGHT!" He shouted, cutting off my sentence before opening the door and slamming it in my face before I could follow him in.

I eventually heard voices sounding on the other side and waited till they had a bit more time alone before I, myself, walked in. Seeing Aizawa and Present Mic walking towards the office door with something in their hands.

"Have you at least eaten a proper breakfast or lunch?" The small nurse asked Hawks, who was sitting on the bed with his feet hanging over. His right wing was almost completely wrapped in bandages with a small burn cream bottle on the side.

"I had an apple..." He spoke softly just as his stomach rumbled in the slightest.

"Hawks that isn't enough food to run on in a day!" I chimed in, wondering what his normal eating schedule was now that I was taking a better look at him. His jacket lying on the bedside as well. His body was slim, yet still fit, enough to show his muscle mass in his abdomen and arms.

"Speak for yourself! You probably need a lot of food to function in a day. I don't, so what?" He snarkily answered just as Eraserhead and Mic walked in, with what I see clearly now is a bucket of chicken wings. That's good. It's his favorite, he'll definitely eat now.

"Hawks, you're all done. But make sure to put this cream on your burns when you get home, and also remember even with my healing quirk you still need time to recover. You won't be able to fly until tomorrow." The nurse stated before continuing. "And look, Aizawa brought you food."

"Stop treating me like a child you old hag! And I'm not hungry." He growled back, hopping off the bed and putting his shirt and jacket back on.

"Hey! Have some respect for recovery girl! Have you ever heard of respecting your elders?" Aizawa sounded, placing the chicken wings down.

"Look Hawks, it's your favorite, from that Chicken Frenzy place." I chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. I could tell it shifted as soon as the other two males walked in.

"BITZ, Chicken Bitz." He corrected me hastily, "And I don't know Aizawa, maybe you should be respecting someone who ranks number 2 in the world, and yet you're just a teacher!"

Aizawa was just about to answer when I saw the movement of Present Mic's arm hitting into the other male's side before he could answer. Hawk's just about slammed the door on the way out.

"Wow he is pissed." Present Mic stating the obvious as he looked back at the door.

I sighed, "Well I would be too if I was in his case. You know how much he likes to fly," before taking my leave.

I continued down the hall chasing after Hawks and catching him just outside the front doors to UA.

"Hawks wait up, I can drive you." I asked, coughing up some blood as the sharp pain in my side resumed once again.

"I'll be fine, it's like a 20 minute walk." He shrugged, before continuing walking.

"Are you sure?" I asked, covering my mouth.


"How far is it?"

"I don't know? Like 5 or 6 kilometers."

"Hawks, that's like an hour walk! I'm driving you." I replied before turning to go get my car keys, only to have a hand grab my arm and stop me.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself that I'm fine? Or is your injury also in your ears too?" He asked with another growling tone.

"Beside's, you need to get your meds from recovery girl or you'll bleed out through your mouth," Hawks said in his usual voice.

I only sighed in a wordless complaint. 

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