The Unfortunate Start

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Dabi's Pov

I woke up to the noise of buzzing from my phone. I picked it up to see texts in the group chat that we made for the League of Villains.

Make sure to check the whole area before we head over- Shig

Yeah don't worry, we got one more side to check and we can initiate the plan- Toga

I'm sorry what's going on? Are you in the city Toga? -Me

Yes with Kuro- Toga

Can you grab some food on your way back?-Me


I finally got up and realized I fell asleep in my clothes, how careless. I stepped out of the room and walked down the hallway back to where the lounge was. I shivered in the slightest realizing the temperature outside dropped below zero, seeing frost along the windowsills and the base of the doors leading outside.

I rounded back into the lounge with a grumpy Shigaraki.

"What happened now?" I asked, allowing my presence in the room to be noticed.

"Hawks just knew a way to piss off the Nomu enough to break the chains. He almost got away last night." He replied, placing two fingers on each of his temples in frustration. With me eternally laughing at the situation.

"Damn cocky bastard got the Nomu on a rampage." Spinner cut in, stabbing one of his knives into the wall in a grumpy huff.

"Is that why is it's so damn cold in here?" I replied, rolling my eyes at the rage in Spinner's eyes. Who he, only glared at me with eyes that read 'no shit'.

"Don't worry, I have Compress soaking him at the moment, he'll be too stiff and cold to move on his own." Shig stated, just as Compress walked in.

"Finished?" Shigaraki said, with Mr. Compress' nod as a reply.

Kurogiri and Toga suddenly walked through his portal quirk, something extremely handy to easily escape any situation. Toga handed me a bucket of chicken wings with a happy smile. I placed them down on the counter and walked more into the center of the room.

"Let me go switch and we can start!" She happily said, running behind the closest door.

Shigaraki nodded and suddenly Spinner and Compress headed through the portal to a different location. Leaving Toga, Shig, Kuro and myself left in our main base. Toga suddenly emerged from around the corner as Hawks, startling me for the slightest second as I really thought it was him. She jumped happily at me, forgetting she's taller than her normal self and causing us to fall on the floor behind me. She giggled and apologized, helping me up along the way.

"Kurogiri, let's go." Shig said, and a portal was created to the side allowing both males to enter. Toga hesitated and looked back at me, as I spoke, "remember Toga, he follows orders but is cocky. Just keep it mildly, and if you're super worried just only respond with nods and shakes."

She nodded slowly before heading also through the portal and disappearing alone with it. Great, why chicken wings? I walked over picking up the keys Spinner left on the counter and the chicken wings Toga brought and headed over to block D. I passed by block C and quickly headed towards block D just as I almost bumped into the Nomu. It growled loudly and huffed in a response. I walked past it, ignoring how uneasy its angry aura made me feel.

I finally reached my destination and was shivering as the temperature was most likely in the small negatives. Light frost dusted the cement floors and the metal wire door. I unlocked it and walked down this hallway that will soon be all too familiar if I am to watch him from now on.

I walked up to the chained man and placed the chicken wings in front of him, motioning for him to eat. He looked like fresh roadkill, his body shaking from the cold as he was half naked and soaked from water and blood.

"Sorry if you don't like chicken, it's all they brought back with them." I explained, my voice filling the small room.

Hawks Pov

I was barely able to move my body. My whole body ached, my head pounding as I knew full well that I have a concussion along with a sickness. Having water dumped on you in freezing cold temperatures made my body feel all the more worse. I vaguely heard what the man in front of me said. His smooth deep voice was almost what I would consider refreshing to hear, as the only voices I heard was from that lizard guy and myself from screaming.

The smell of the chicken wings allowed my stomach to rumble once again, with his gaze directly upon me, as if taking in the sight of a fresh hunt.

"So Mr. Dabi I presume?" I struggled to say, my voice was low and my throat burned from the inside. "Care to tell me why I have been blessed with your presence?"

"Well apparently someone decided to piss off the Nomu and almost escape." He replied, smoothly; both knowing it was me he was referring too.

I tried the laugh but only found more agonizing pain in my side, the one where the claw dug into. The small laugh turned into a coughing fit until I released some pressure in my stomach and lungs that built up. I had to turn to the side and throw up, my body aching more as I didn't want to move.

"One sec. I'll be back." The pyro stated, entering the dark hallway and vanishing from my sight, that only seemed to get worse each day. My sickness, hunger and my overall condition was bad, my vision blurred every now and then and soon I'd pass out once again.

I then heard the man walk back in, carrying a small bottle and a needle. No! Anything but another needle!  I panicked, my breathing getting uneven and staggered, my head pounding more as I struggled against the cold frozen chains. He placed a firm hand down on my shoulder and pushed me to stay still. I winced at the contact as he unknowingly placed it on the spot where the larger Nomu dug its claws into.

I felt him pull back and 'shhd' me. I widened my eyes, directing it at the needle as he steadily raised it near my arm. I wriggled more before stuttering, "Pl - please no.." I sob escaped my lips as I continued to struggle against the chains.

"It's okay," He comforted me by moving his hand under my chin, "It's just a pain killer."

Tears began to drip down my face, making my vision all the more blurry, letting out small whimpers as the needle drove closer to my arm. Crying in front of my captor, how pathetic. I felt the needle enter my body, and soon the fluid followed, the sting caused me to tense up more and clench my hands into fits. The needle was taken out as I continued to cry, leaning forward involuntarily onto his shoulder. 

"I was told you weren't good with needles... I'm sorry but it had to be done."

I heard him mutter beside me, feeling the pain killer work, my body aching less and my head wasn't pounding. I pulled back trying to wipe off my own tears on my exposed shoulders and focusing my eyes once again. His soft gaze stared back, his ocean blue eyes gleaming with worry and yet were alert of his surroundings.

"Hmm, you have blue eyes." I commented, giving a weak smile, shivering at the cold.

He responded with a 'hmph' carefully raising his arms and wrapping them around me, with his hands falling gently on the frozen chains on my wrists.

"Let me know if it gets too hot." I saw a low blue glow coming from behind me, and the temperature of the chains slowly rising, and stopping before it burned me. I hummed in approval before he did the same to the chains attached to my legs, and once again hummed. 

He finished and grabbed the small bottle he brought earlier, pausing before staring into my eyes. "So what if I have blue eyes?" He stated, sounding angry at someone other than me.

"Nothing," I shook my head, "Just reminded me of someone, that's all." I glanced away as I heard the cap flick open, and a small pfft indicating the substance was being pushed out by none other than Dabi's hands. 

"Who?" He asked, raising the hand that housed the white substance on the tips of his fingers. Heading to my right wing, the one that's burned. "The same person who did that." I said.

 I winced at the contact of the cream hitting my burns. He slowly rubbed it in small circles lathering it nicely between any feathers that were still there or growing back.

 "Endeavor?" His name rolled off Dabi's tongue, his low voice making it sound as if Endeavor was royalty, although unintentionally. My eyes widened in the slightest as I heard his name, who Dabi so easily determined. 

"Thought so. I know his burns all too well..." He trailed off, retracting his hand back to add more cream to it. What do you mean all too well? He placed his hand in a different location on the underside of my wing. I jolted slightly at the contact, trying to hide what had happened, but the chains rattling from my hands gave me away. 

"Sensitive?" I rolled my eyes and huffed in the opposite direction. He began rubbing in small circles once again, slowly moving closer to the base. "S-st-op!" I stuttered, trying to move once again from his grasp. Feeling the small grow in my pants, a small blush formed on my cheeks. Dabi paused, looking around my body, trying to inspect it, looking for any signs or indications of pain, before stopping on my flushed face. 

"You okay?" He asked, before doing another similar motion on another section of my wing. I nodded quickly as my breath hitched. I bit my lip as the small bulge in my pants grew significantly bigger.

Dabi looked at me questioningly as he continued rubbing. I closed my eyes tightly before speaking, "You need to stop.. Now!"

I felt his warm hand disappear from my wing, it twitching at the loss of contact as it too wanted Dabi to continue until I finished. "Y-You can't continue." I huffed out, opening my eyes.

"Why not?" The clicking of the bottle was heard as he finally closed the lid and placed it down on the floor. Wiping his now bloodied fingers on his pants. 

"I just don't have the energy for you to continue applying that cream." I spoke the half truth. It's true I didn't have the energy, but I also hated being horny.

 He nodded slowly leaning over and loosening the length of the chains, allowing me to reach in front of me. He stood up and began to leave, before I uttered out something I immediately regretted, "Your not going to torture me?"


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