Working Again?

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Dabi Pov

The sun had set an hour ago and I sat with the two teens quietly on the couch watching a movie. It was near the end of it, but it was some stupid romance movie that Shoto put on because he said that his classmates told him to love himself more. He clearly doesn't understand what they meant by it and I wasn't going to explain it either.

"Where did Hawks go?" My brother asked when the movie ended.

I looked around and listened for him. I swear he was just here taking a nap in his room after our activity in the bathroom. The purple haired teen looked up from his phone with a saddened look.

"Do you think he's mad about earlier?" He asked.

"No... Embarrassed sure but not mad. We both laughed after you left." I said in a monotone voice.

"Well he left like 30 minutes ago, he didn't seem like he was in a good mood." He responded.

"He-he WHAT?!" I jumped up from the couch and headed towards Hawks' room to find it empty, his bodiless-wheelchair in the corner. I emerged back from the room, "He didn't even take his wheelchair..."

The two boys looked at each other and then back to me, both with a worried facial expression. I pulled out my phone and started hacking Hawks' location, he was smart about turning his location off. As soon as the little blue circle appeared on the map I headed for the apartment door before getting stopped.

"We're coming with you!" Both teens claimed, grabbing their coats and following me to the elevator.

I didn't respond but the two followed me anyway as we made our way down the streets in the dark, the odd street lamp lighting our way. From his location on my phone, Hawks didn't seem that far away from the apartment building, so what on earth is he doing at this hour!  We were getting closer and closer and I started to get frustrated. What the hell is he doing? Why did he not tell me? Did Shigaraki lure him out somehow? A million bad thoughts rushed through my head and I was starting to fear the worst. My face was glued to the screen as we came closer to another alleyway, but heard loud arguments from a man and a woman.

"You're always out here drinking at night! YOU'RE NEVER HOME!" I heard a woman shout. I stopped as the two teens kept walking forward.

"What are you two doing?! Get back here!" I whisper-yelled at them. They stopped and were confused at first, but then it hit them. I can't always be walking around having everyone see me, especially with two up and coming pro heroes.

"I need some peace of mind, woman! I work all day and have to come home to screaming children? I don't think so!" A man yelled back. What the fuck is going on?

"Can we just take it down a notch, there's people sleeping in these buildings. You don't want me to get the police involved, do you?" I heard a familiar voice say. Hawks?

"But he's ne-"

"I get that and as parents of twins, you guys need to work together to take care of them." Hawks said calmly, standing between the two.

The three of us peaked around the corner and saw a tall man in a thick black coat, and a woman on the other side in a long dark red coat. We listened intently at the situation until after it was resolved.

"I would be helping if I didn't have to make all the money. IT'S MY MONEY I'M BRINGING HOME! I GET TO SPEND IT HOWEVER I WANT!" The man shouted back, Hawks covered his closest ear.

"THER'RE YOUR FUCKING CHILDREN! I'M THEIR STEPMOTHER!" She yelled back as she pushed on the man's shoulder. What kind of situation did he get himself into?

Hidden Not Forgotten (Dabi x Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now