Let's Start Over

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Dabi Pov

The words took a couple minutes to register in my spinning mind as the others continued talking.

"Okay wait, pause for a second... There's no way Keigo would kill people." I laughed at the idea, "He doesn't have a bone in his body that would allow him too." There were glances between each other. "Look, all I'm saying is not even Endeavor would kill someone, villain or civilian. As much as I hate him I can vouch for that."

"Dabi's right, Hawks would have to be out of his mind to pull something like this." Eraserhead agreed, "Besides you drove him home with Shinso, and you told him the plan."

"What plan?" The young kid said.

"I told you in the car on the way home." The older blond said, looking at the teen. "Did you not listen?"

"No! Hawks seemed distant minded and it was awkward silence so I put my headphones on... Do you honestly believe he heard anything you were saying?" He replied.

"Great so he has no idea that Dabi is fine."

"S-Still wouldn't make him kill someone, let alone like six people!" I chimed in, pulling the ice pack from my head and sat up. He wouldn't do that because of me... Right?

"I'd have to agree with Dabi... it could be Toga right? She might still have his blood?" The green haired teen stated. As much as I hate it, it's possible they are trying to frame him. Best case scenario for them is if they lock him up for crimes he didn't even commit. One less hero to worry about.

"I don't know man he looked a little messed up, you looked dead. Like really dead." Shinso replied with sadness.

"So all we need to do is find him?" Kirishima spoke with a questioning tone.

"I hate to overhear this conversation sensei, but if Hawks doesn't want to be found, chances are you won't find him." The kid with the bird head spoke from behind the couch.

There was silence in the room for what felt like hours as everyone thought and wondered who and where the culprit was. God please don't let it be Keigo. Just then a ringing came from both pro hero's phones. They each had a quick conversation with whoever the other was on the other side before they hung up and looked worriedly.

"Endeavor called and said Hawks headed to the Commission President's house. It's highly likely he'll kill her too. He said he would take care of the issues with Mirko while we handle Hawks." The blond hero spoke first, who then looked to his partner.

"What's the issue with Mirko?" I asked before the other could.

"He didn't elaborate..." He replied.

"All Might called, he's at the house and it's going to be surrounded by police and other pro hero's soon. He saw Hawks inside covered in blood... and he said he could tell they were not from his own injuries."

"It still could be Toga! It's not him!" I said angrily, finally standing up.

"Well the LOV already got what they wanted with the organization crumbling to the ground, would they really even need to add this?" My brother finally spoke up. "And the league already had a falling out with him, no offense but I doubt they would care if the commission executed Dabi." He looked at me with a soft and sad expression. It's true. Toga couldn't pull something like this off on her own. I doubt any of the members would go after Hawks like this because of my betrayal: after all they would think I died. Not that they would mourn my 'death' anyway.

Eraserhead nodded slowly to Shoto's explanation. "Either way we have to go there quickly. Hand me the keys I'm driving!" He held out his hand for my brother to give him the keys.

Hidden Not Forgotten (Dabi x Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now